Visit of STORM Team Members at Simula

Olivier Aumage and Abdelbarie El Metni visited colleagues from the MAELSTROM Associate Team at Simula for one week, to discuss work on FEniCSx interfacing with StarPU and possible followup on a Cardiac Electrophysiology simulation code. Olivier and Abdelbarie took advantage of the visit to attend the FEniCS 2024 conference hosted…

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FEniCSx / StarPU Internship

Abdelbarie EL METNI, from the MATMECA Engineering School, is joining Team STORM and the MAELSTROM Associate Team for a 6-Months internship about interfacing the new C++-oriented FEniCSx environment on top of the StarPU task-based runtime system.

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Maelstrom at SuperComputing / SC23 in Denver

On Wednesday, Nov. 15 2023, Maelstrom’s members Xing Cai, James Trotter and Johannes Langguth from Simula, as well as Mihail Popov and Olivier Aumage from Inria took advantage of the SuperComputing / SC23 conference in Denver, CO to convene, discuss progress on the project and make plans for 2024.

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2-Month Summer Visit at Inria

James Trotter from Simula visited Team STORM at Inria from May, 30th to July, 21st within the context of the Maelstrom Associate Team. During its stay in Bordeaux, James contributed in the advising of Angel Hippolyte’s internship on supporting SIMD instruction sets in the Finite Form Compiler FFCx.

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FFCx / SIMD Internship

Angel Hippolyte from the university of Bordeaux pursued a 3-month internship at Inria over Summer 2023, on the topic of supporting SIMD instruction sets as part of the code generation process of FEniCS Finite Form Compiler FFCx. Angel Hippolyte Master Thesis manuscript on HAL-Inria

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FEniCS / StarPU Internship

Thomas Morin from the university of Bordeaux pursued an 3-month a joint internship at Inria and Simula over Summer 2022, on the topic of FEniCS / StarPU cooperation, with a focus on exploiting heterogeneous computing nodes equipped with accelerators. Thomas Morin Master 1 Thesis manuscript on HAL-Inria

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Workshop Simula – Inria

Associate Team Maelstrom will participate to the Simula – Inria Workshop organized on June 10, 2022, as part of Simula’s 20th anniversary events. The workshop will be dedicated to the existing collaborations between Inria and Simula in cardiac modelling, software engineering, and high performance computing.

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Maelstrom Kick-off Meeting

The Maelstrom Associate Team will hold its kick-off meeting at Inria in Bordeaux on April 21-22, 2022. The meeting will be the occasion for the members to get to know each other, and to sketch work plans for the first project year.

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Maelstrom Associate Team Creation

The Maelstrom associate team proposal to join forces between SIMULA’s HPC Department and Inria Team STORM has been successful. The associate team will run for up to 3 years, to kickstart a collaboration on jointly developing and experimenting with HPC optimization techniques with the FEniCS software environment for building Finite…

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