Stefan Petters passed away

The real-time community is loosing a valuable member as Stefan Petters passez away. Pioneer of the probabilistic approaches for the WCET estimation, Stefan has influenced an entire generation of the real-time community. Stefan, we thank for your generosity Our deepest condolences to the family

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Chris Gill’s visit

Professor Chris Gil is visiting our team during his sabbatical leave from June 10th to June 19th – please feel free to talk him in A108. . He will give a talk on Advances in Parallel Real-Time Cyber-Physical Systems (more details below). The talk takes place tomorrow Monday June 17th…

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Roberto is at Junior Seminar

Roberto Medina, postdoc in our team presents Tues March 19 at 14:00 CEST his results on mixed criticality: Mixed-Criticality scheduling for Directed Acyclic Graphs  Hard real-time systems are found in many diverse areas including; autonomous vehicles, avionics, space systems, and robotics. These systems are categorized by their stringent time requirements…

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