Job offers

  • Tenured position

    You are interested to join Inria as tenured researcher? You may join our team if you work on temporal constraints for CPSs. Such positions are filled by participating to a national contest. They are very competitive and the research program needs to be built together with the members of the team. Usually the application deadline is end of January for a position to start by September. For the scientific part, do contact us at Liliana dot cucu For the administrative part, you may find more details at Inria contests

  • Postdoctoral position 

We have an open post-doctoral position to as soon as November 1st, 2024 on probabilistic       multicore scheduling problems – more details at

  • Doctoral position

    We have an open PhD position to start as soon as possible and no later than October 1st, 2024 on heterogenous time analysis. Please contact Liliana by using contact information at

  • Internship positions

    We are searching for a M.Sc. intern on Automatic construction of adversaries in a multicore execution environment.   This position may be followed by a Ph.D. thesis proposal and/or Engineer positions. Possible start March 2024.

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