May 21, 13h30, Adrien Koutsos, LSV (ENS Cachan)

Place: LIX, salle Henri Poincaré

Title: The 5G-AKA Authentication Protocol Privacy

Abstract: We study the 5G-AKA authentication protocol described in the 5G mobile communication standards. This version of AKA tries to achieve a better privacy than the 3G and 4G versions through the use of asymmetric randomized encryption. Nonetheless, we show that except for the IMSI-catcher attack, all known attacks against 5G-AKA privacy still apply.
Next, we modify the 5G-AKA protocol to prevent these attacks, while satisfying 5G-AKA efficiency constraints as much as possible. We then formally prove that our protocol is $\sigma$-unlinkable. This is a new security notion, which allows for a fine-grained quantification of a protocol privacy. Our security proof is carried out in the Bana-Comon indistinguishability logic. We also prove mutual authentication as a secondary result.

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