February 01, 2022. Grigory Aleksandrovich Solomatov

Title: Computational aspects of algebraic geometry codes.

Abstract: In this talk, we present an overview over multiple computational 
results related to algebraic geometry codes. In particular, we consider 
encoding of one-point codes over a special family of curves called 
$C_{ab}$-curves, which includes the famous Hermitian curve. In this setting, 
we take advantage of the fact that encoding problem can be reduced to the 
problem multi-point evaluation of bivariate polynomials, which we address in 
two fundamentally different ways. In the final part of the talk, we will briefly 
outline an efficient list decoding algorithm for general algebraic geometry codes.

The talk is based on results produced during the PhD studies of the speaker 
under the supervision of J. Rosenkilde and P. Beelen.


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