
GEOSTAT is an INRIA project located at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest (INRIA BSO), inside the theme: applied mathematical computation and simulation, optimization, learning and statistical methods.

The team specializes in the analysis of complex and natural signals using ideas and methods from statistical physics:  evidencing subtle statistical processes in signal data [example: statistical properties associated to multifractal spectra or turbulence], then challenge/modify the theoretical models to explain the observed geometric/statistical properties from  modeling of the dynamics.
Keywords: signal processing, sparse representations, compact representations, universality classes, wavelets, turbulence, super-resolution, physical models, statistical physics.
Main thematics:
  • signals from universe data [astrophysics, earth observation],
  • biophysiological signals [heart, speech].
Applied/transfer thematic:
  • sparsity and non-convex optimization [Labcom with i2S company].

GEOSTAT is a member of the following GDRs:  PHENIX,  ISIS, AMF.

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