
Events Organized by Emeraude

PAW-22: 2022 Programmable Audio Workshop

The Programmable Audio Workshop (PAW) is a yearly one day event gathering members of the programmable audio community around scientific talks and hands-on workshops. The 2022 edition of PAW will be hosted by the INRIA/INSA/GRAME-CNCM Emeraude Team at the CITI Lab of INSA Lyon (France) on December 3d, 2022. The theme of PAW this year is “Networked and Embedded Audio Systems” with a strong focus on spatial audio and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).

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SMC-22: 2022 Sound and Music Computing Conference

SMC-22 (Sound and Music Computing) is a multifaceted event around acoustics, music, and audio technology. It took place in Saint-Étienne (France) on June 5-12, 2022 and it had the following theme: Music Technology and Design. As the first “in person” edition of SMC after 2 years of COVID-19 pandemic, we aimed at widening the public of this event by (i) broadening the scope of SMC concerts through a digital art festival opened to the public, (ii) involving local schools and publics, and (iii) strengthening connections between academia and the industry.

SMC-22 was a combination of a Summer School (June 5-7, 2022), the International Faust Conference (June 7, 2022), the SMC Scientific Conference, Industry-Oriented Events, a Festival (June 8-11, 2022), and a STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics) Fair – “Faites du son!” (June 9-12).

SMC-22 was organized by the ECLLA Lab at Université Jean Monnet of Saint-Étienne, the French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and GRAME – Centre National de Création Musicale, in collaboration with various local partners.

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