Job offers

Current job offers in the ELAN team

In addition to the offers posted below, we may sometimes open positions on topics related to the modelling of thin elastic structures, frictional contact, fibrous and granular materials, and more. We strive to adapt the research topic and methodology to the profile and skills of the candidate (theoricist, numericist or experimentalist). If you are interested to work in a pluridisciplinary group and curious about the tight links between soft matter physics, mechanical engineering, computer graphics, applied mathematics and algorithmic/programming, do not hesitate to contact us to see if there are more opportunities currently in our team.

PhD offer in 2024

Postdoc offer in 2024

Master internship offers in 2024 (some topics can be adapted to L3 internships)

In addition, if you have a precise idea of project you would like to work on, related to fibres, granular media, frictional/cohesive contact, cloth, etc., should it be in theory/numerics/experiments, do not hesitate to reach us.

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