
Dice focuses on the economy of personal data. Our aim is

  1. to study the new ecosystems emerging from the services of the information society based on personal data, from technological as well as social, economic, political, and geopolitical points of view.
  2. to contribute to improve the knowledge of the information society among non specialists, in the public opinion as well as at the political level.
  3. propose alternative technological solutions that answer some of the challenges faced by our societies, the concentration of data, the resulting asymmetry of information, and the subsidiarity of computation, that could better distribute the knowledge among stakeholders.

Most of our contributions can be found in the Technological Blog of Dice or in our personal Web pages.

To answer our technological objective, we are currently working on decentralized architectures, browser to browser, developed in javascript/HTML5, that allow users to share only restricted amounts of their data and computation with central platforms.

Convinced by the need of new election mechanisms, allowing a more continuous democracy, we are developing iBallot, a decentralized election system.

Dice is involved in several cooperation projects, including

  • ADT Inria, brow2brow, on browser-to-browser serverless toolboxes, with Inria ASAP tea;
  • ANR C3PO, on Collaborative Creation of Contents and Publishing using Opportunistic networks, with Telecom Saint-Etienne;
  • ANR SocioPlug, Social Cloud over Plug Networks, Enabling Symmetric Access to Data and Preserving Privacy, with Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique;
  • European project BYTE, Big data roadmap and cross-disciplinarY community for addressing socieTal Externalities, with a consortium of 11 participants;
  • ARC6 Rhône-Alpes project,
  • industrial partnership with ATOS and Orange