
Commands – Contrôle, Optimisation, Modèles, Méthodes et Applications pour les Systèmes Dynamiques non linéaires

News :


Arthur Le Rhun arrived in Sept. 2016, as PhD student on ‘Optimal and robust control of hybrid vehicles’ (IFPEN fellowship).

Jinyan Liu arrived in February 2016 as Engineer.

Cedric Rommel arrived in November 2015, as PhD student on “Data exploration for the optimization of aircraft trajectories”, supported by the Safely Line company.

Axel Kröner arrived in October 2014, as Starting Research Position. His field is the optimal control of partial differential equations.

About the Commands team :

COMMANDS is the acronym of Control, Optimization, Models, Methods and Applications for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. This joint project team Inria-CMAP started in January 2009.

The team is hosted by Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, South of Paris. These engineering school has high level students, many of which continue as PhD students or researchers. The group in Polytechnique is part of CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées de l’Ecole Polytechnique). This is high level environment in applied mathematics, offering collaboration opportunities with the other teams devoted to numerical analysis, stochastics and finance, and image processing.

Our team is involved in teaching in this engineering school.