Protocol Engineering at Informal Systems

Informal systems is one of the stewards of the open-source software of the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem. For instance, we are stewarding CometBFT, a state machine replication engine around Tendermint consensus. In addition, Informal is collaborating with other companies on the design and implementation of distributed systems and algorithms. In this…

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A Generic Methodology for Statically Analyzing Distributed Architectures: From Robotics to Microservices

Sound static analysis allows one to overapproximate all possible program executions to infer various properties. However, it requires quite some effort to formalize and prove the soundness of program semantics. Most software applications developed nowadays are distributed systems in which different computational entities communicate through synchronous and asynchronous mechanisms. These…

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OptiTrust: Producing Trustworthy High-Performance Code via Source-to-Source Transformations

Developments in hardware have delivered formidable computing power. Yet, the increased hardware complexity has made it a real challenge to develop software that exploits hardware to its full potential. Numerous approaches have been explored to help programmers turn naive code into high-performance code, finely tuned for the targeted hardware. However,…

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Easing implementation and maintenance of academic static analyzers

Academic research in static analysis produces software implementations. These implementations are time-consuming to develop and to maintain, in order to enable building further research upon the implementation. While necessary, these processes can be quickly time-consuming. This work documents the tools and techniques we have come up with to simplify the…

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Scheduling and compiling rate-synchronous programs with end-to-end latency constraints

Embedded control software is often specified as a set of periodic tasks together with a dependency graph describing their communications via shared variables. This talk will describe an ongoing collaboration with Airbus to express such systems in a specialized version of Lustre. This version of Lustre is “rate synchronous” in…

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Analyse statique de valeurs par interprétation abstraite de langages fonctionnels

Dans cette présentation, je vous parlerai de mes travaux sur l’analyse de valeurs par interprétation abstraite des langages fonctionnels.Nos premiers résultats, basés sur des domaines abstraits relationnels et des résumés des champs récursifs des types algébriques, permettent d’analyser des fonctions récursives du premier ordre manipulant des types algébriques récursifs et…

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Abstract heap relations for a compositional shape analysis

Static analyses aim at inferring semantic properties of programs. We distinguish two important classes of static analyses: state analyses and relational analyses. While state analyses aim at computing an over-approximation of reachable states of programs, relational analyses aim at computing functional properties over the input-output states of programs. Relational analyses…

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Sound Static Analysis of Regular Expressions for Vulnerabilities to Denial of Service Attacks

Modern programming languages often provide functions to manipulate regular expressions in standard libraries.If they offer support for advanced features, the matching algorithm has an exponential worst-case time complexity: for some so-called vulnerable regular expressions, an attacker can craft ad hoc strings to force the matcher to exhibit an exponential behaviour…

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Automatic Detection of Vulnerable Variables for CTL Properties of Programs

Violations of program properties pose significant risks, particularly when they can be triggered by attackers. Multiple approaches has been proposed recently to detect these vulnerabilities. In this seminar, we will present a new abstract interpretation-based static analysis for this problem. By leveraging a static analysis by abstract interpretation for CTL…

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A static information flow analysis to ensure privacy-preserving FPGA logic designs

For performance and scalability reasons, most cloud providers start using Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to provide FPGA-based acceleration services. FPGA virtualization becomes then necessary to optimize hardware resources utilization, but raises security and privacy concerns.In this work we consider a temporal multi-tenancy environment, where a single FPGA instance running a…

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Cryptographic Reductions By Bi-Deduction

In this presentation, we are interested in the Computationally Complete Symbolic Attack (CCSA) approach to security protocol verification, and its implementation in the proof assistant SQUIRREL. The proof of a protocol relies on assumptions on the security provided by its primitives (e.g. hash, encryption, etc.), which are generally formulated in…

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SSA Translation Is an Abstract Interpretation, and its Application to Static Analysis of Machine Code

Conversion to Static Single Assignment (SSA) form is usually viewed as a syntactic transformation algorithm that gives unique names to program variables, and reconciles these names using “phi” functions based on a notion of domination. We instead propose a semantic approach, where SSA translation is performed using a simple dataflow…

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The impossibility result of Fischer, Lynch, and Paterson and its proof

One of the most important results in distributed computing was published in April 1985 by Fischer, Lynch and Paterson. Their short paper “Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process” definitively placed an upper bound on what it is possible to achieve with distributed processes in an asynchronous environment. The problem of…

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Automatic Inference of Ranking Functions by Abstract Interpretation

We present an abstract interpretation framework for proving liveness properties of imperative programs, to ensure that some event happens once or infinitely many times during program execution. A further abstraction based on piecewise-defined ranking functions yields a static analysis that automatically infers sufficient conditions for these liveness properties as well as upper…

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From Neural Network Verification to Efficient Robust Training

Fundamental concerns exist on the trustworthiness of deep learning systems, with examples including robustness, fairness, privacy and explainability. Phenomena like adversarial examples prompt the need to train robust networks and to provide formal guarantees on their behaviour. In this talk, we will first introduce the neural network verification problem. Then,…

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Thesis rehearsal: “Faithful Model Reduction of Discrete Biological Systems”

Modeling paradigms for Systems Biology plays an important role in investigating the orchestrated function of various biological systems. Additionally, they permit one to study a system in-silico in order to gain mechanistic insights from the trajectories resulting from the model. A common battle to derive an ideal representation for a…

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Enforcing Modular Security through Language Design: A Study on Object and Reference Capabilities

We present an approach to language design aimed at enforcing modular security, where a security architect can define specific object capabilities that enforce custom security properties. Unlike traditional models that assume an uncompromised system (‘clean garden’), this model (‘dark forest’) assumes local machines are already compromised but anchored by a…

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Towards verified inference in probabilistic programs

Probabilistic programming languages aim at designing and implementing algorithms that compute over probability distributions rather than states. They feature dedicated primitives for sampling and conditioning. Moreover, the evaluation of probabilistic programs relies on general purpose inference engines. In the last few years, several languages such as Pyro, Edward or Stan…

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Event structures, CAT(0) cube complexes, and median graphs

Event structures, trace automata, and Petri nets are fundamental models in concurrency theory. There exist nice interpretations of these structures as combinatorial and geometric objects and both conjectures can be reformulated in this framework. Namely, from a graph theoretical point of view, the domains of prime event structures correspond exactly…

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Analysis of incomplete programs via Proof Engines and Fuzzing

We tackle the problem of testing and verifying “incomplete” programs—that contain components whose source code is either unavailable (like third-party libraries and cloud-based APIs), or too complex to model formally (like large machine learning models). We show how classical techniques like symbolic execution, deductive verification and SMT solving can be…

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A Learner-verifier Framework for Learning and Certifying Neural Controllers in Stochastic Systems

Reinforcement learning (RL) presents a promising approach to solving highly non-linear control tasks that are often challenging for classical control methods. In this talk, we present a learner-verifier framework for solving control tasks in stochastic systems with formal guarantees on reachability, safety or reach-avoidance specifications. Given a specification and a…

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Under-Approximated Program Analysis and Counter-Example Generation by Abstract Interpretation

The goal of the PhD is to design, prove correct, implement, and experiment on static program analyses to discover executions that are formally guaranteed to be erroneous and, dually, infer sufficient conditions for program correctness. The error is only reported due to over-approximations (so-called false alarm). Backward analyses have been…

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Towards an Automatic Proof of the Bakery Algorithm

The Bakery algorithm is a landmark algorithm for ensuring mutual exclusion among N processes that communicate via shared variables. Starting from existing TLA+ specifications, we use the recently developed IC3PO parameterized model checker to automatically compute inductive invariants for two versions of the algorithm. We compare the machine-generated invariants with…

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Computable Functions in Anonymous Networks

In this talk, I present several computability results in anonymous networks with broadcast communications. First, I recall the characterization, given by Hendrickx and Tsitsiklis, of the computable functions when agents have no information on their outgoing neighborhoods. Then I give the characterization of computable functions in networks with either (a)…

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Distributed Decision Problems: Concurrent Specifications beyond Binary Relations

Much discussion exists about what is computation, but less about what is a computational problem. In the sequential setting, Turing’s definition of computational problem was based on functions. In a concurrent setting, various notions of distributed problems have been used, under different models of computation, ranging from models equivalent to…

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A generic framework to coarse-grain stochastic reaction networks by Abstract Interpretation

In the last decades, logical or discrete models have emerged as a successful paradigm for capturing and predicting the behaviors of systems of molecular interactions. Intuitively, they consist in sampling the abundance of each kind of biochemical entity within finite sets of intervals and deriving transitions accordingly. On one hand,…

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Asymptotically Tight Bounds on the Time Complexity of Broadcast and its Variants in Dynamic Networks

Data dissemination is a fundamental task in distributed computing. This talk will explore broadcast problems in various innovative models where the communication network connecting n processes is dynamic (e.g., due to mobility or failures) and controlled by an adversary. In the main model, the processes transitively communicate their ids in…

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