Emmanuel Rodriguez


Here is my new webpage.

I am a third year PhD student working on direct and inverse modeling of laser-cut meta-materials as part of the European project ADAM2. Under the supervision of Stefanie Hahmann, Mélina Skouras and Georges-Pierre Bonneau.

Research activities :
  • Physics-based modeling of meta-materials. (FEM and others reduced models)
  • Inverse modeling : optimization  of a model’s parameters in order to reproduce a given target shape.
  • Realization of wood or plastics meta-materials to validate our work. (fablab : amiqual4home)
Teaching :


Contact :

e-mail : emmanuel.rodriguez@inria.fr


Resume :

2020 – now : PhD student in computer science – University Grenoble AlpesLJKINRIA.

2016 – 2020 : Masters of theoretical computer science – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

2013 – 2016 : CPGE (PCSI-PC) – Lycée Champollion – Grenoble

You can find my full Curriculum vitæ.


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