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Seminar by Fabio Porto, LNCC “ML Model Management in Gypscie”, 25 May 2022

Journée Zenith, Golfe de Coulondres, 25 May 2022 ML Model Management in Gypscie Fabio Porto, LNCC, Petropolis, Brazil To realize the full potential of data science, ML models (or models for short) must be built, combined and ensembled, which can be very complex as there can be many models to select from. Furthermore, they should …

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Sixth Workshop of the HPDaSc project, 15 August 2022, LNCC, Petropolis, Brazil

See the program here.

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Seminar at CEFET, Rio de Janeiro, by Patrick Valduriez “Innovation : startup strategies” 5 August 2022.

See the announcement here.

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ICML 2022: paper by Camille Garcin et al.

The paper “Stochastic smoothing of the top-K calibrated hinge loss for deep imbalanced classification” by Camille Garcin, Maximilien Servajean, Alexis Joly, Joseph Salmon has been accepted for presentation at ICML 2022 (Acceptante rate: 21% of total number (5630) of submissions). Abstract: In modern classification tasks, the number of labels is getting larger and larger, as …

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Habilitation (HDR) defense of Antoine Liutkus, 11 Feb. 2022, at 14h.

Antoine Liutkus will defend his habilitation (HDR) on February 11th at 2PM (UTC+1). The defense will take place at LIRMM, room 02.022.   The defense will be about the following topic: “Probabilistic and deep models for the processing of mixtures of waveforms In this presentation, I will start by presentint a summary of the research I did …

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Pl@ntnet numéro 2 des logiciels Inria les plus connus des entreprises, 10 juin 2021.

Selon le sondage de Inria Academy sur les logiciels diffusés par Inria et ses partenaires et les besoins des entreprises. Scikit-learn, Pl@ntNet, Coq, OpenVibe et Pharo arrivent dans le top 5 des logiciels les plus connus des entreprises ! Et Pl@ntnet arrive second derrière Scikit-learn.

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“Making the Right Move to Senior Researcher”, by P. Valduriez, May 2021.

Check out this short article  “Making the Right Move to Senior Researcher”, to  appear in the May 2021 issue of ACM SIGMOD Record, in a new series managed by Professor Tamer Özsu which seeks to provide advice to mid-career researchers.

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SIGKDD 2021: paper by Reza Akbarinia et al. accepted (research track).

The paper proposes PBA (Parallel Boundary Aggregator), a novel algorithm that computes incremental aggregations in parallel over massive data streams. The work has been done with Univ. Clermont-Auvergne (postdoc Chao Zhang and Professor Farouk Toumani). Chao Zhang, Reza Akbarinia, Farouk Toumani. Efficient Incremental Computation of Aggregations over Sliding Windows. Int ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining …

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ICML 2021: paper by Antoine Liutkus et al. accepted (as long presentation).

The paper “Relative positional encoding for transformers with linear complexity” Liutkus et al. has been accepted for presentation at ICML 2021 as long paper (3% of total number of submissions). In 2021, of the 5513 articles submitted, only 1184 were accepted in short presentation (21.5%) and 166 in long presentation (3%). Titre: Relative positional encoding for transformers with …

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Seminar by Patrick Valduriez “Innovation : startup strategies” 20 May 2021.

The 12th edition of the Marcus Evans “Innovation Strategies” conference will be held virtually from May 19 to 20, 2021. Check out my presentation on May 20, 14h40 Innovation : startup strategies Patrick Valduriez Inria and LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, France Technological innovation as driven by startups is hard to formalize (and manage) as the …

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