

Videos showing some of our tools

  • Screencast of Reador.NET: a semantic news filtering tool.
  • Demo of how to publish linked open data about paris in 2 minutes with Datalift.
  • Screencast of WikiNext, a JavaScript Semantic Wiki to speed-up semantic web and linked data web application development.
  • Screencast of the SHI3LD access policy interface for controlling access to RDF data.
  • Screencast of distributed query solving with Corese/KGRAM-DQP.
  • Video of a demo of DiscoveryHub using Corese/KGRAM to support exploratory search by semantic spreading activation.
  • Screencast of EMOCA detection and annotation of users’ emotions.
  • A demo of a prototype for editing lexicographic definitions formalized using the Unit Graphs framework (in French).
  • Demo of natural language question answering translating english questions into SPARQL queries.
  • Semantic Web plugin for Gephi used to visualize cities of more than 500 000 habitants and link them according to their language.
  • A demo of an RDF plugin for Gephi using data from BBC.
  • A demo of an RDF plugin for Gephi using data from DBpedia.
  • A demo of a tag editor in a search interface to structure folksonomies as a side effect of search refinement.
  • A demo of a semantic wiki called SweetWiki.
  • A demo of the KmP RDF Clustering algorithm to visualize the profiles of companies of the Telecom Valley of Sophia Antipolis ; demo of the approximate query solving in KmP to find partners close enough to a business need ; demo of the query on business exchanges in KmP to analyze partnerships, contracts and flows in the Telecom Valley.
  • A demo of the ECCO Editor a web application for collaborative ontology edition using textual and linguistic resources.
  • A demo of MeatAnnot generating RDF annotation from the natural language processing of articles in biology using the GATE platform.
  • A demo of an e-learning semantic web application using SKOS and office tools to produce flexible e-learning environments.
  • A demo of ontology alignment algorithms and in particular ASCO.
  • A demo of SemFAQ a generator of frequently asked questions web sites built by automatic annotation of a corpus of mails.
  • A demo of semantic web based management of a patient’s file in healthcare using QOC formalism and reverse-engineering on database schemas.
  • A demo of text annotation showing how to use natural language processing to produce annotation describing the content of textual resources.
  • A demo of semantic web service composition where we use the Corese path algorithm to discover a sequence of web services.
  • A demo of a skill management application built with the Semtag/Sewese toolkit and integrated to the intranet of a local branch of Philips.
  • A demo of the SAWSDL Editor showing how to annotate WSDL descriptions of web services with SAWSDL model references.
  • A demo of the engineering memory tool using semantic distances to provide approximate search and suggestions in interfaces.
  • Three demos on Virtual Reality and Semantic Web to assist industrial design : demo of a guided assembly process, demo of inference rules to select objects, demo of a virtual reality interface to browse a knowledge base.
  • A demo of the Sewese – Semtag toolkit to create J2EE semantic web applications.
  • A demo where we capture the natural semantic distances of users and a demo where we use card sorting to generate lightweight ontologies.
  • A demo of semantic auctions in CoMMA with archivist agents using ontologies and semantic distances to bid for a new piece of RDF.
  • A a demo of the Aprobatiom faceted server and structured queries to find similar projects when designing a new building.

Online demos and resources

  • Semantic web tutorial: RDF, RDFS and SPARQL using CORESE.
  • Semtag: tutorial on the Sewese JSP library for Semantic web application using RDF, RDFS, OWL, Rules and SPARQL.
  • Experimentation server of SweetWiki:
  • RDFa GRDDL profile:
  • Solving Sudoku with a SPARQL query in Corese.
  • Corese and Semtag demo on INSEE RDF data.
  • RDF Mining experimental results and other material.

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