Activity in 2019


Co-advised PhD thesis of Nathanael Cheriere by Gabriel Antoniu (Inria) and Matthieu Dorier (ANL), with strong collaboration with Rob Ross (ANL) – Towards Malleable Distributed Storage Systems: from Models to Practice. Defended on 5 November 2019.


  • Aleksandr Danilin, DataMove Master Student, joined Swann Perarnau at ANL for a summer internship to work on the Development of a GPU memory management module of a portable, open-source, integrated, validated, and scalability tested HPC framework.
  • Two 3-months undergraduate internships co-advised by Nathanaël Cheriere and Gabriel Antoniu (Inria) in close collaboration with Matthieu Dorier (ANL)
    • Juliette Fournis d’Albiat (ENS Cachan) : Models for rescaling elastic storage systems.
    • Tom Bordin (ENS Rennes) : Models for data transfers in elastic storage systems.
Visits and meetings
  • Nathanaël Cheriere, Tom Peterka, Gabriel Antoniu, Bruno Raffin met and made presentations on joint work at the 10th JLESC workshop in Knoxville, April 2019.
  • Meeting of Gabriel Antoniu, Bruno Raffin, Matthieu Dorier at SC19, Denver, November 2019.
  • 2-day visit of Kate Keahey (ANL) and Matthieu Dorier (ANL) at Inria (Rennes) in November 2019 for the PhD defense of Nathanaël Cheriere (Inria, KerData).
Other joint actions
  • Kate Keahey was a referee of the PhD thesis of Michael Mercier (Inria, DataMove): Contribution to the infrastructure convergence between high performance computing and big data processing.
  • Franck Cappello (ANL) visited DataMove the 5-6 of December 2019, to give a talk on data compression, discuss collaboration and participate to the HDR jury of Thierry Gautier (Inria, DataMove team).
  • KerData and DataMove are participating to two different EU proposals on HPC and Big Data Analytics and involved Franck Cappello to be part of the Scientific Advisory Committee of both projects.

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