Manish Mandad: Intersection-free Shape Approximation within a Tolerance Volume

Abstract: We present a method for surface approximation that yields closed surfaces within geometric guarantees. Through refinement we construct a piecewise linear function on a 3D triangulation within the tolerance volume, whose isosurface is an intersection-free surface triangle mesh. Further, the algorithm provides strict guarantees over global approximation error of…

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Optimization of 3D Models for Fabrication (Henrik Zimmer)

Abstract By combining geometric considerations with modern optimization methods and computing power, the research area of Architectural Geometry strives to bridge the gap between creative architectural freeform designs and their efficient realization. In this talk, a set of novel optimization approaches for dealing with three different architecturally motivated optimization tasks…

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Generalized Barycentric Coordinates

by Dmitry Anisimov (università della svizzera italiana, Lugano) Astract: Nowadays, there exists a lot of different types of generalized barycentric coordinates. First, introduced by famous German mathematician and theoretical astronomer August Ferdinand Mobius in 1827, they have become widely used last decade due to their simple construction and variety of…

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