

This is the development associated with CSF’23 paper, aiming at proving properties about Kôika circuits.
Authors: Matthieu Baty, Pierre Wilke


ESORICS’24: Formal Hardware/Software Models for Cache Locking Enabling Fast and Secure Code

Authors: Jean-Loup Hatchikian-Houdot, Pierre Wilke, Frédéric Besson and Guillaume Hiet

ICISSP’24: Machine Learning-Based Classification of Hardware Trojans in FPGAs Implementing RISC-V Cores

Authors: Stefano Ribes, Fabio Malatesta, Grazia Garzo, Alessandro Palumbo

CCAI’24: Opening the Black Box: How Boolean AI can Transform Legal Analysis

Authors: Grazia Garzo, Stefano Ribes, Alessandro Palumbo

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