Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier
Date / time: thursday 9 january 2025 – 11h30-13h30
Place: Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes – Grand Amphi; TAG C1 bus line
>>> Registration: free but compulsory
Summary: The IPCC’s sixth report emphasises the social aspects, and in particular those linked to demand, in mitigating climate change. Yet despite efforts to support the transition to more sustainable consumption, the necessary changes have not materialised. This may be because the solutions proposed are based on assumptions about what is ‘social’ that are not consistent with social science knowledge. This talk will look again at the contributions that the social sciences can make to the question of the changes that are at stake in the climate emergency.

Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier conducts research in economic sociology on the way in which economic behaviour is shaped by the actions of companies, social movements and the state.
After studying market intermediation, she went on to analyse the role of environmental mobilisation in changes to economic organisations (committed consumption, interactions between activist and economic worlds), followed by public intervention in the governance of behaviour (sustainable consumption policies, food policies). She is currently working on a political economy approach to economic regimes of abundance.