

Below is a list of software produced and maintained by our team. If you have any questions regarding one particular software, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Comptabilité Ecologique

    • Databases and online data visualization tools. Databases include socio-economic and environmental datasets. Visualization tools include interactive piecharts, maps and Sankey diagrams.

  • InterfacesTRANUS

    • This software contains two interfaces dedicated to facilitating the usage of the TRANUS integrated land use and transport model+software.
      The first interface is dedicated to enabling the execution of the TRANUS binary programs without the need to use the console or the TRANUS GUI.
      The second interface provides an aid for calibrating a TRANUS model, by interactively exploring ranges of different parameters of a TRANUS model and visualising model outputs across these ranges.

  • Software tools for the TRANUS LUTI Model

    • This year, we have consolidated and extended our software tools for the TRANUS LUTI model,
      thanks to support by Inria allowing to hire an engineer for one year Emna Jribi (ADT TRACAV project).
      Various tasks have been accomplished, concerning three types of functionality, these are as follows.
      First, calibration of TRANUS.
      The software implementation of our methods for calibrating the TRANUS land-use component has been
      cleaned up.
      It has been encapsulated such as to be seamlessly integrated within the TRANUS workflow (consisting of a
      sequence of executables, exchanging data through binary and other files).
      Second, graphical user interfaces to facilitate the repeated execution of TRANUS executables, for generating
      reports on results or for the exploration of the space of some critical model parameters.
      Third, we have continued to work on the embedding of TRANUS within the open source QGIS platform
      (a widely used Geographic Information System).


    • The software uses Mapzen Metro Extracts to retrieve the OpenStreetMap data of a given region in the PostgreSQL format. Afterwards, a continuous representation of residential and activity land uses is created. Finally, a GIS output containing the degree of land use mixture is calculated by means of using the land uses maps.
      The implemented approach is documented in the paper "A framework for evaluating urban land use mix from crowd-sourcing data",

  • REDEM web

    • Python Library of REDEM model and its web application.


    • This is a web-service on top of the software USAT described above.
      The web-service will allow any user to select a region of interest and to launch the calculation and display
      of sprawl indices using USAT.
      It is in the process of being hosted on the HPC platform of IN2P3, after which it will be made
      open to the public.
      The source code for this web-service is already available at the below site.

      The web-service is described in \footcite{rezakhanlou:hal-01610738}.

  • USAT

    • This software allows to calculate and analyse indices of urban sprawl from open data (OpenStreetMap),
      aimed to be used by urban scientists and urban planners.
      A spatialized version of indices measuring the accessibility, dispersion and land use mix is calculated.
      The implemented methods are described in \footcite{gervasoni:hal-01548341}.


    • REDEM soft is a tool designed for the benchmarking of national GHG emission reduction trajectories. The actual version of the software is implemented in Visual Basic under Microsoft Excel in order to facilitate handling and diffusion to climate/energy economists.

  • Layout de diagrammes de Sankey (fr) / Layout of Sankey diagrams (en)

    • A Sankey diagram is a type of visualization of flows (of data, physical entities, money, etc.) between sectors (for example, economic sectors). The main entries of the software are a table comprising a description of these sectors and the flows, as well as the flows' volume. The software contains functions that aim at computing an optimal disposition of the flow diagram (position of sectors and flows on the produced chart), according to different possible criteria. For instance, a disposition that minimizes the number of crossings between flows or that contains as horizontal as possible flows.

  • Sankeytool

    • The software is an online web app that allows manual and automatic sankey diagram plotting.
      Among the functions these diagrams can be exported in svg or pdf format.

      A Sankey diagram is a type of visualization of flows (of data, physical entities, money, etc.) between sectors (for example, economic sectors). The main entries of the software are a table comprising a description of these sectors and the flows, as well as the flows' volume. The software contains functions that aim at computing an optimal disposition of the flow diagram (position of sectors and flows on the produced chart), according to different possible criteria. For instance, a disposition that minimizes the number of crossings between flows or that contains as horizontal as possible flows.

  • SC-MFA

    • The software performs data reconciliation by constraints optimization. It works on Excel sheets and can be run through the command line or from a web application.

  • Outils de réconciliation de données (fr) / Data reconciliation tools (en)

    • To facilitate a meaningful comparison, multiple algorithms have been developed. A checker is proposed to ensure that the provided results are well-formed and respect the problem’s constraints. A visualization program is also proposed, along with an algorithm that provides the optimum, to compare the difference with it. A random instance generator has been developed to carry out larger-scale tests. Finally, numerous algorithms have already been described and a benchmark of real instances is offered to establish a preliminary comparison framework.

  • QGIS_Tranus_Reports

    • This software allows to graphically visualise data output by the TRANUS LUTI model (and possibly, of any other data of the same structure). In particular, this concerns any data items defined per zone of a modelled territory (productions, indicators, etc.). The software is designed as a plugin for the geographical information system platform QGIS and can be run interactively as well as by the command line or by a call from within another software. The interactive mode (within QGIS) allows the user to define graphical outputs to be generated from TRANUS output files (type of graphs to be generated – 2D or 3D – color coding to be used, choice of data to be displayed, etc.). Visualisation of data is done in the form of 2D graphs or 3D models defined using java-script.

  • Clumpy

    • Clumpy is a land use and cover change model (a python package) which aims to be used in sustainability and environmental sciences. It allows to observe past changes statistics, set future contrasted scenarios and allocate simulated future land use maps according to those projections.
      From past land use maps and some explanatory variables, the software calibrates the model through machine learning methods (kernel density estimations, nearest neighbors for now). Explicit probabilistic values are returned and can be then adjusted to contrasted scenarios set by the user. It is finally possible to allocate a simulated land use map in order to provide decision materials for public stakeholder.
      Other land use and cover change model softwares such as Dinamica EGO, CLUE and LCM are compared to Clumpy in papers to come.

  • STA-Explorer

    • The software is a decision support tool that allows to:

      * Describe an economic model, in different territories with different types of actors, in terms of bio-physical exchanges (to take into account the interactions between sectors, for example the fact that renewable energies consume materials which in turn require energy to be extracted and transformed)
      * Describe a Socio-Technical Alternative (STA), i.e., an arrival point in the future that is coherent from a biophysical point of view (as opposed to the description of a past situation)
      * From this description, the software allows the alternative to be evaluated by "reconciling" by optimization the parameters controlling the value of the flows rather than the flows themselves.

  • TransKey

    • TransKey is a framework for modeling and serious games for transition support, based on a generic model to support new transition game designs, adapted from previous MFA (material flow analysis) games and goals. The framework is under development. A first playable game has been completed and tested with users.
      General target features for TransKey are: representing multiple resource stocks and flows, their dynamics, stakeholders’ constraints and control, exogeneous drivers, multi-scale representations, player friendliness, data fitting when required, connecting material and digital version.
      A general description is given in


Software list:

  • Software 1
  • Software 2
  • Software 3

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