Internship (M1 or M2): Evaluation of the Transkey serious game — playing with biophysical flows in order to facilitate territorial transitions

Context As part of its work, the STEEP team (INRIA Grenoble Alpes) intends to contribute to the design, evaluation and debate on socio-technical alternatives for the future (e.g. 2050). Biophysical accounting methods (materials, energy, land use, etc.) provide an analytical grid that gives indications of the sustainability of alternatives (according…

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Postdoc 24 months [application deadline October 17, 2024]. – National and international material flows in agri-food chains and associated environmental footprints

Context The development of the bioeconomy raises questions about competition for the use of agricultural resources to meet food (human and animal), energy and materials supply needs. In addition, the fact that planetary limits are being exceeded makes it urgent to identify the causes of environmental impact, causes that can…

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M2 Internship: Calibration of serious games

Context This topic fits in with the STEEP team’s research and action-research activities. In particular, in its “Sociotechnical Alternatives” research axis, which aims to study the material basis of the economy (in physical rather than monetary units), to analyze its environmental impacts, and to propose participatory methods enabling stakeholders to…

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M2 Internship: Characterizing the metabolism of French agricultural sectors (national and regional scales): a fund/flow analysis

About the STEEP team: INRIA is the French national research institute dedicated to digital science and technology. It employs 2,600 people. The STEEP team is an interdisciplinary research team at the Inria Grenoble center dedicated to sustainability issues at national and sub-national scales. Background: SCALABLE is an ADEME-funded research project…

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M2 Internship: Physical modeling (material and energy flows) of the Cuban economy before and after the collapse of the USSR (1991)

With the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Cuba suddenly faced a 50% drop in its fossil fuel supply, and was forced to radically restructure its production and consumption patterns. The aim of the internship is to gain a better understanding of this restructuring, first by carrying out an analysis…

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PhD thesis: Analysis of the propagation dynamics of intra- and inter-sectoral disturbances in the context of short-term crises

Contexte Le World Economic Forum produit annuellement un document d’évaluation de perception des risques systémiques basé sur des dires d’experts ; ces interconnexions sont représentées graphiquement sur la figure ci-dessous, telles qu’elles ont été décrites pour l’année 2023. Cinq grandes catégories de risques peuvent être identifiées : économiques, géopolitiques, environnementaux,…

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