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     Associate team LANDER (2019-2022)

Latent Analysis, Adversarial Networks, and DimEnsionality Reduction

LANDER is a project-team started in January 2019 with French and Australian partners. The team federates researchers from Queensland University of Technology and Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane; La Trobe Univ. and Swinburne Univ., Melbourne; Univ. of Adelaide; and Univ. of Caen, France. The collaboration is based on three main points, in statistics, machine learning and applications:
  1.  clustering and classification (mixture models),
  2.  regression and dimensionality reduction (mixture of regression models and non parametric techniques) and
  3.  high impact applications (neuroimaging, satellite and radar imaging, and planetology).

Project proposal 2019

Activity Report 2019

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