Installation of CAR on Linux Fedora 17 from scratch:

Summary :

  1. Install PostgreSQL Database
  2. Install CAR package for the first time

Requirements :

  • You have a machine with Fedora 17 64bits installed. (get fedora 17 64bits)
  • A network access on Internet is necessary.
  • A user with administrative rights (with sudo or root) is necessary.
  • You need wget and unzip programs (yum install wget unzip).

Instructions :

  • You can copy and paste each commands.
  • When it’s specified “As root”, you have to run the command with administrative rights :
    • you can become root by running su before run the command,
    • or with sudo, add sudo at the head of the command.

1 – Install PostgreSQL Database

1.1 – Activate the PostgreSQL 9.2 repository (As root) :

rpm -Uvh
yum makecache

1.2 – Install Postgresql packages (As root) :

yum install postgresql92 postgresql92-server postgresql92-contrib

The packages should be provides by pgdg92 repository.

1.3 – Initialise the database (As root) :

su - postgres -c /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/initdb

1.4 – Configure PostgreSQL (As root) :

Edit /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/postgresql.conf to modify/uncomment following in the head of the file (As root) :

listen_addresses = '*'

port = 5432

Edit PostgreSQL /var/lib/pgsql/9.2/data/pg_hba.conf file to have (As root) :

# “local” is for Unix domain socket connections only

local all all trust

# IPv4 local connections:

host all all trust

host all all samenet trust # add this line

1.5 – Enable postgresql on every boot (As root) :

systemctl enable postgresql-9.2.service

Now Reboot the machine…

1.6 – Download the dump.sql :

Download the dump.sql in the demcare folder :

cd ~/demcare

To allow all users to read the dump.sql file :

chmod ugo+rw carDB_20150129.sql
mv ~/demcare/carDB_20150129.sql /tmp/

1.7 – Create the new demcare database (As root) :

To create the new demcare database, run the following commands (As root) :

su - postgres

Then run the following commands to build the database :

createdb --encoding=utf-8 --owner=postgres demcare
psql -Upostgres -ddemcare -p5432 -f /tmp/carDB_20150129.sql

1.8 – Check the installation :

If you want check now the installation of OpenNI see this page.

2. Install CAR libraries for the first time

The actual version of SUP uses libpqxx version 4.

2.1 – Install CAR requirement (As root) :

Ensure you activated the repository in the step 2.1, and run the following command libpqxx :
Then, activate the RPM Fusion Repositories (As root) :

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
yum makecache

Install libpqxx and FFmpeg (As root) :

yum install libpqxx libpqxx-devel
yum install ffmpeg

2.2 – Get SUP and OpenCV packages :

In the demcare folder, download the last version of SUP RPM and extract :

cd ~/demcare
tar -xjf sup-fc17-x86_64.tar.bz2
Download the OpenCV package :

2.3 – Install OpenCV (As root) :

rpm -ivh opencv-devel-2.4.5-fc17-x86_64.rpm --nodeps

2.4 – Install SUP (As root) :

Change directory to RPM dowloaded folder :

cd ~/demcare/

Before install Dtk RPM, install the requierments :

yum install libqt* libQt* qt-*

Now install Dtk and SUP RPM :

yum localinstall dtk-0.6.1-fc17-x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall extra-0.0.1-fc17-x86_64.rpm sup-0.0.1-fc17-x86_64.rpm sup-plugins-0.0.1-fc17-x86_64.rpm

2.5 – Resolving library paths (As root) :

Create a new file /etc/ :

vi /etc/

Edit the file to add this content :


Update the libraries link cache :


2.6 – Check the installation :

If you want check now the installation of OpenNI see this page.

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