Research on Automatic Software Repair

In the Spirals research group, one of our research objectives is to explore automatic repair of software. We aim at inventing methods and tools that are capable of automatically diagnosing, tolerating and fixing software bugs.

  • Martin Monperrus
  • Lionel Seinturier
  • Laurence Duchien
  • Romain Rouvoy
  • Philippe Merle
  • Benoit Baudry
  • Thomas Durieux
  • Benjamin Danglot
  • Zhongxing Zu
  • Simon Urli
  • Fernanda Madeira

External Collaborators

  • Jifeng Xuan (Wuhan University)
  • Matias Martinez (University of Valenciennes)
  • Earl Barr (UCL)

Former members

  • Vincenzo Musco
  • Gérard Paligot
  • Benoit Cornu
  • Julien Langlois (Intern, University Lille 1)
  • Favio DeMarco (Intern, University of Buenos Aires)
  • Maxence Germain de Montauzan (Intern, University Lille 1)
  • Anthony Maia (Intern, University Lille 1)
  • Diego Mendez (Intern, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires)

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