Adaptive homotopy continuation for relative permeability models in reservoir simulation

Peter Moritz von Schultzendorff: Monday, 13th January 2025 at 10:30

Accurate modeling of physical processes requires an appropriate selection of constitutive laws. In physics-based reservoir simulation, constitutive laws, e.g., relative permeabilities are often chosen to be, mathematically speaking, simple functions, not necessarily adhering to physics. The paradigm of hybrid modeling allows the integration of machine learned (ML) constitutive laws. Trained on lab, field, and fine-scale simulation data, ML models represent the underlying physics with high fidelity.
Strong nonlinearities in classic (i.e., non-ML) relative permeability have been identified as one of the main sources for convergence issues of nonlinear solvers in reservoir simulation. This issue grows in severance for ML relative permeability models, as their high fidelity to real-world data compromises the mathematically desirable properties of simpler models.
In this work, we employ the homotopy continuation (HC) method to recover nonlinear solver robustness for classic relative permeability models. The HC method improves nonlinear solver robustness by first solving a problem with simpler relative permeabilities and then iteratively traversing a solution curve towards the original, more complex problem. To efficiently trace the solution curve, we leverage a posteriori error estimates to design an adaptive HC algorithm that minimizes the total number of solver iterations.
We show the current status of our work, both on the theoretical and implementation side, and give an outlook into the application to ML relative permeabilities.

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