TransforMesh: A mesh-based solution to surface evolution.

TransforMesh is a C++ function library that provides a mesh-based solution to surface evolution. It takes as input a proper mesh together with a displacement field and it outputs a proper deformed mesh. In order to ensure consistent mesh deformations, it robustly handles topology changes and removes self intersections.. Among others, TransforMesh has been successfully applied to multiple-camera 3D reconstruction. For more information and software download, please visit:
Andrei Zaharescu; Edmond Boyer; Radu Horaud
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Computer Society, 2011, 33 (4), pp. 823-837
ZaharescuBoyerHoraud-TPAMI2011.pdf BibTex
Andrei Zaharescu; Edmond Boyer; Radu Horaud
8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV ’07), Nov 2007, Tokyo, Japan. Springer-Verlag, Computer Vision, 4844, pp. 166-175, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
mesh_self_intersections.pdf BibTex

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