RANS modeling in the forced convection regime

In the vicinity of a solid wall, turbulence develops extreme properties that are far from the assumptions on which standard models are based. In particular, it tends towards a two-component state, due to the non-local blocking effect by the wall.

This is why I have developed since 2002 (Manceau & Hanjalic, 2002; Thielen et al., 2005; Manceau, 2015) an approach, the elliptic blending (EB), largely inspired by the elliptic relaxation proposed by Durbin, of which it keeps most of the good properties, while removing its main weaknesses (only one additional equation instead of 6, and above all, removal of numerical instabilities due to boundary conditions), so as to have a model that can be used in an industrial configuration.

This model, called EB-RSM, has been available for many years in the standard version of the open-source CFD software Code_Saturne, developed by EDF. It is also implemented in the commercial code STAR-CCM+ since version 10.02. It has also been implemented by different teams in OpenFOAM, for example by Ashton and Stoellinger (2016). In the context of our collaborations with ONERA and Dassault Aviation, the model is now also available in their respective codes CEDRE and AETHER. Finally, it is implemented in the commercial code EZNSS developed by the company ISCFDC (Israeli CFD Center).

Modeling of the turbulent heat flux

Flow in a pin matrix at Re D = 10, 000. Mean stream-wise velocity (m/s) in the mid-plane z = D. From Benhamadouche et al. (2020).

Influence of variable physical properties

EB-RSM. Flow in a differentially heated horizontal channel (solar receiver) for wall temperature ratios T1/T2 between 1 and 9. Streamwise mean velocity profiles in wall units. From Serra et al. (2021).

Second-moment closure of the turbulent heat flux for any type of wall boundary conditions

EB-DFM (Differential flux model). Channel flow with conjugate heat transfer. Profiles of the temperature variance and its dissipation rate.. From Mangeon et al. (2020).

Adverse pressure gradient boundary layers

Pressure coefficient around a wing at Re=30×106. Comparison of the EB-RSM and the EB-RSM sensitized to pressure gradients through the introduction of a pressure diffusion term in the dissipation equation. From Sporschill (PhD thesis, 2021); see also Sporschill et al. (2021).

Multi-perforated plates (effusion cooling)

EB-RSM. Flow above a multi-perforated plate (Laroche et al., 2020) with 10 rows of 9 holes with 90° gyration. Isocontours of the mean temperature across rows 1, 2 and 3. From Mastrippolito et al. (2021).

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