Internship in « Thermal sensations for a hand-held haptic interface »

Hired by: the Rainbow team at IRISA/INSA Rennes, France

Advised by: Marie Babel, Maud Marchal, Claudio Pacchierotti (Rainbow team)


The work will be carried out at IRISA-INSA in Rennes as part of the Rainbow team (, which is internationally recognized for its scientific activity as well as for technology transfer experience in the field of shared control, multi-robots, haptics, sensor-based control, visual tracking, and visual servoing.

Founded in 1966, INSA Rennes is the largest engineering school in Brittany. INSA Rennes ranks among the top post-baccalaureate engineering schools in France. A member of the INSA Group, France’s leading network of public engineering schools, INSA Rennes is recognized for its training and scientific research.

Rennes in a lively city in the north-west part of France, capital of the Britanny region. Located 90 minutes from Paris and less than one hour from the sea, Rennes was named as the leading French city in Europe for “quality of life” in 2020 and has the highest satisfaction rate among its inhabitants (source: European Commission).

Envisaged Activities

In the ever-evolving landscape of virtual reality (VR), the integration of sensory feedback has become a strong focus to enhance user immersion and interaction. One important advancement is the incorporation of thermal haptic feedback. Unlike traditional haptic feedback that primarily relies on vibrations or (kinesthetic) force feedback, thermal haptic feedback introduces a new dimension by simulating temperature sensations within the virtual environment. This technology leverages thermal stimuli to mimic sensations such as warmth, coolness, or even subtle changes in temperature, providing users with a heightened sense of presence and realism.

Imagine feeling the gentle warmth of sunlight on your skin as you step into a virtual tropical landscape or the cool breeze when standing atop a virtual mountain summit. These nuanced temperature cues not only amplify the overall sensory experience but also open avenues for developers to craft more immersive narratives and scenarios. As the technology continues to mature, thermal haptic feedback stands poised to redefine the way we perceive and engage with virtual environments.

The objective of this research work is to design a thermal hand-held haptic interface and evaluate it in a Virtual Reality scenario.

The work will address the following points, tuned according on the expertise and interests of the student:
Design of the haptic interface: mechatronic development of a hand-held interface suitable for use in VR, integrating thermal cells such as Peltier elements.
Haptic rendering: design a haptic rendering algorithm to provide suitable thermal sensations during VR interaction.
Human-subjects evaluation: carry out a human subjects study to evaluate the effectiveness and viability of the proposed rendering interface and techniques in an immersive VR scenario.


  • B.Sc./M1 degree in computer science, robotics, engineering, applied mathematics (or related fields);
  • Experience in Unity3D, CAD modelling, C# is a plus;
  • Experience with robotic control and human-robot interaction is a plus;
  • Excellent scientific track of record, scientific curiosity, large autonomy, and ability to work independently.


The internship is for 5-7 months.

The position will be paid according to the French salary regulations for interns.

How to apply

Please apply through this form:

The position will remain open until a satisfactory candidate is found.

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