Virtual Reality for Musical Performance



We explore the opportunities of virtual and augmented reality for musical performance. In this context, we study representation of sound processes in virtual environments. We also develop interaction devices and techniques matching the constraints of musical interaction. We finally study 3D collaborative techniques and scenography/display issues in order to create 3D virtual orchestras.

Two main projects integrate results of our research: Drile, an immersive musical instrument based on hierarchical live-looping, and Rouages, a 3D mixed-reality visualization system for digital musical instruments.

Rouages: Revealing The Mechanisms of Digital Musical Instruments from Florent Berthaut on Vimeo.

Drile: from below from Florent Berthaut on Vimeo.

Playing the Drile at Musica Ex Machina from Florent Berthaut on Vimeo.





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