OpenViBE: An Open-Source Software Platform to Easily Design, Test and Use Brain-Computer Interfaces

ADT-Inria project, 2012-2014

Partners: Hybrid, Athena, Neurosys, Potioc

OpenViBE is a free and open-source software platform for the acquisition, processing, classification and display of brain signals (e.g., EEG, MEG, ECoG, …). The platform consist in a set of software modules that can be integrated easily and efficiently, in order to design real-time applications for neuroscience including Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) and neurofeedback. It is made to be easy, in the sense that by using OpenViBE, it becomes possible to rapidly create a BCI without writing a single line of code. Indeed, OpenViBE enables users to design a BCI by using only graphical programming, simply by adding and assembling together boxes, each box corresponding to a given processing module (see pictures below)

Graphical design of a BCI or neurofeedback system using OpenViBE

OpenViBE already proposes various features and processing modules in order to design a BCI, such as:

  • Processing modules: temporal filters, spatials filters, ICA, windowing, FFT, time-frequency analysis, wavelets, etc.
  • Classification modules: linear discriminant analysis, support vector machines, classifier combination, etc.
  • Visualization modules: raw signal, 2D topography, 3D topography, spectrums, etc.
  • Easy interaction with virtual reality applications
  • Acquisition from various EEG devices
  • Ready-to-use BCI: motor imagery based BCI (binary of multiclass, synchronous or self-paced), P300-based BCI, SSVEP, neurofeedback, …


Some modules for real-time visualization of brain activity in OpenViBE

For more details and to download (for free) the OpenViBE platform, you may go there:


The Potioc team is involved in the design, development and evolution of the OpenViBE software through the following main projects and events:





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