Overall goal of the team


– PErsonal & TRUSted cloud –

Inria Saclay Île-de-France – UVSQ (DAVID Lab)

Context. The Personal Cloud paradigm holds the promise of a Privacy-by-Design storage and computing platform, where each individual can gather her complete digital environment in one place and share it with applications and users, while preserving her control. However, this paradigm leaves the privacy and security issues in user’s hands, which leads to a paradox if we consider the weaknesses of individuals’ autonomy in terms of computer security, ability and willingness to administer sharing policies. The objective of the PETRUS project-team is to tackle the privacy and security challenges of the personal cloud from an architectural point of view.

Research program. To tackle the challenge introduced above, we identify three main lines of research:

  • Personal cloud server architectures and administration models and enforcement
  • Global query evaluation
  • Economic, legal and societal issues

Research contributions and methodology. We structure our software activity around a single common platform (rather than isolated demonstrators), integrating our main research contributions. The Core of our personal cloud architecture is today structured around the PlugDB platform.

Keywords. Database management systems, data confidentiality and privacy, trusted storage and computing architectures, Personal Cloud, Privacy by Design & empowerment and their economic, social and legal issues.

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