Category: Job Offers

(closed) Master Project: Representation of color-depth data using wavelets on weighted undirected graphs

Deadline for sending applications: 30 November 2013. Project proposed by Radu Horaud, Marianne Clausel, and Georgios Evangelidis. The most successful image representation frameworks are based on the detection and localization of interest points, or keypoints [1]. Interest points are present in an image whenever the local image structure is rich, e.g., presence of edges or …

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(closed) Two Master Projects: Binocular Vision for Humanoids and Humans

Deadline for sending applications: 30 November 2013. Project proposed by Georgios Evangelidis and Radu Horaud. The PERCEPTION team at INRIA investigates stereoscopic vision. Over years we have studied the geometry of binocular vision, e.g., [1] and developed several stereo matching algorithms based on seed-growing [2,3,4]. The seed-growing principle is very simple: sparse disparities owing to …

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(closed) Master Project: Audiovisual Diarization for Human-Robot Interaction

Deadline for sending applications: 30 November 2013. Project proposed by Laurent Girin and Radu Horaud. The PERCEPTION team at INRIA investigates audiovisual scene analysis for a humanoid robot. In particular, the team is interested in implementing advanced “social skills” on the consumer robot NAO ( The challenge is to provide NAO with both perceptual and motor …

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