I am a PhD student within the PERCEPTION team at INRIA under the supervisision of Dr. Radu Horaud. The main focus of my research is on the Gaze Direction for social interaction, ie where do people look at, and how to use this information to perform social Human-Robot interactions. The fields of interest include scene understanding, machine learning, computer vision and robotics.
I obtained an engineer’s degree in Applied mathematics and computer science from the Ensimag Institut polytechnique de Grenoble , France in 2013, and a master’s degree in Graphics, Vision and Robotics from Université Grenoble-Alpes (Formerly Université Joseph Fourier), France, in 2014. Contact :
Journal papers
- Benoit Massé, Sileye Ba and Radu Horaud, “Tracking Gaze and Visual Focus of Attention of People Involved in Social Interaction,” in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2017 [Page] [Paper]
- Stéphane Lathuilière, Benoit Massé, Pablo Mesejo, Radu Horaud, “Neural Network based Reinforcement Learning for Audio-Visual Gaze Control in Human-Robot Interaction” in Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018 [Page] [Paper]
Conference papers
- Benoit Massé, Sileye Ba and Radu Horaud, “Simultaneous estimation of gaze direction and visual focus of attention for multi-person-to-robot interaction,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Seattle, WA, pp. 1-6. [Paper]
- Stéphane Lathuilière, Benoit Massé, Pablo Mesejo, Radu Horaud, “Deep Reinforcement Learning for Audio-Visual Gaze Control”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Madrid. [Paper available soon]