M2 Internship – Hawkes process: application in plant epidemiology

The internship will start with the study of properties of Hawkes processes. In a first step, the trainee will work on simulation algorithms and statistical inference for Hawkes processes. This knowledge will then be implemented to model the spread of apple scab, one of the main fungal diseases of apple trees.

– Host laboratories :

• UR “Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées du Génome `a l’Environnement” (MaIAGE), INRAE, CR de Jouy-en-Josas (78) and/or
• Equipe PASTA (Processus Aléatoires Spatio-Temporels et Applications), Inria Nancy – Grand Est à l’IECL (Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine).

– Supervisors : Madalina Deaconu (madalina.deaconu@inria.fr) and Katarzyna Adamczyk (Katarzyna.Adamczyk@inrae.fr).

Full information on this internship proposal :  StageHawkes 



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