Viviana graduated on July 8th

Viviana’s PHD thesis, entitled “Multi-modal  registration of T1 brain image and geometric descriptors of white matter tracts”, was defended on July 8th at 2PM at Neurospin, with a committee composed of Bertrand Thirion (Director), Pierre Fillard (Advisor), Christian Barrillot (Reviewer), Natasha Lepore (Reviewer), Joan Glaunes (Examiner), Marc Baboulin (Examiner) and Demian Wassermann (Examiner).

Congratulations Dr. Siless !


Parietal @OHBM 2014

Gael made to wonderful talks to present the usefulness of new convex penalties (aka sparse total variation) for brain imaging.

Please come and visit us at posters 1840, 3594, 3457, 3531 and 3469