Marc Aubert

Geographic Information

marc aubert photo


Centre de recherche Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
Antenne Inria Giant
DRT/LETI/DACLE/ – Bâtiment 51 C
Minatec Campus
17 rue des Martyrs
38054 Grenoble Cedex


marc.aubert (at)

Short Bio

2008 – 2012 : Grenoble INP ENSIMAG, with options in 2D/3D graphics, HMI and software engineering.

2012 – 2014 : C++ programming : 2D/3D imaging and Qt development for A3Surgical, La Tronche (38)

2014 – now : C++ programming : Development of graphics elements for SAMSON in the NANO-D team, INRIA

General Presentation

I work in computer graphics since my studies at the ENSIMAG. I like the human-machine interaction, thinking about the general ergonomy of an application, and working on its visual aspects. I like the simulation and the representation of real phenomena. During my interships, I worked on the brownian motion, accoustic simulation for bat echolocation representation, and 3D scans of trees.

Here in Nano-D I spend most of my time adding graphics improvements and implementing new visual elements that help the user see what they would want to be able to see.


My time off is generally filled with music, sport and boardgames.

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