
L’équipe MUSICS est toute nouvelle, les résultats reprennent les thèmes précédemment explorés dans l’équipe Dracula.

Les résultats (anglais seulement)

New results

Single-cell transcriptional uncertainty landscape of cell differentiation

Background: Single-cell studies have demonstrated the presence of significant cell-to-cell heterogeneity in gene expression. Whether such heterogeneity is only a bystander or has a functional role in the cell differentiation process is still hotly debated. Methods: In this study, 11, we quantified and followed single-cell transcriptional uncertainty – a measure of gene transcriptional stochasticity in single cells – in 10 cell differentiation systems of varying cell lineage progressions, from single to multi-branching trajectories, using the stochastic two-state gene transcription model. Results: By visualizing the transcriptional uncertainty as a landscape over a two-dimensional representation of the single-cell gene expression data, we observed universal features in the cell differentiation trajectories that include: (i) a peak in single-cell uncertainty during transition states, and in systems with bifurcating differentiation trajectories, each branching point represents a state of high transcriptional uncertainty; (ii) a positive correlation of transcriptional uncertainty with transcriptional burst size and frequency; (iii) an increase in RNA velocity preceding the increase in the cell transcriptional uncertainty. Conclusions: Our findings suggest a possible universal mechanism during the cell differentiation process, in which stem cells engage stochastic exploratory dynamics of gene expression at the start of the cell differentiation by increasing gene transcriptional bursts, and disengage such dynamics once cells have decided on a particular terminal cell identity. Notably, the peak of single-cell transcriptional uncertainty signifies the decision-making point in the cell differentiation process.

One model fits all: Combining inference and simulation of gene regulatory networks

The rise of single-cell data highlights the need for a nondeterministic view of gene expression, while offering new opportunities regarding gene regulatory network inference. We recently introduced two strategies that specifically exploit time-course data, where single-cell profiling is performed after a stimulus: HARISSA, a mechanistic network model with a highly efficient simulation procedure, and CARDAMOM, a scalable inference method seen as model calibration. In 15, we combine the two approaches and show that the same model driven by transcriptional bursting can be used simultaneously as an inference tool, to reconstruct biologically relevant networks, and as a simulation tool, to generate realistic transcriptional profiles emerging from gene interactions. We verify that CARDAMOM quantitatively reconstructs causal links when the data is simulated from HARISSA, and demonstrate its performance on experimental data collected on in vitro differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells. Overall, this integrated strategy largely overcomes the limitations of disconnected inference and simulation.

A multigroup approach to delayed prion production

We generalize in 5 the model proposed in [Adimy, Babin, Pujo-Menjouet, SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (2022)] for prion infection to a network of neurons. We do so by applying a so-called multigroup approach to the system of Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) proposed in the aforementioned paper. We derive the classical threshold quantity 0 , i.e. the basic reproduction number, exploiting the fact that the DDEs of our model qualitatively behave like Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) when evaluated at the Disease Free Equilibrium. We prove analytically that the disease naturally goes extinct when 0<1 , whereas it persists when 0>1 . We conclude with some selected numerical simulations of the system, to illustrate our analytical results.

Implication of lipid turnover for the control of energy balance

The ongoing obesity epidemic is a consequence of a progressive energy imbalance. The energy-balance model (EBM) posits that obesity results from an excess in food intake and circulating fuels. A reversal in causality has been proposed recently in the form of the carbohydrate–insulin model (CIM), according to which fat storage drives energy imbalance. Under the CIM, dietary carbohydrates shift energy use in favour of storage in adipose tissue. The dynamics of lipid storage and mobilization could, therefore, be sensitive to changes in carbohydrate intake and represent a measurable component of the CIM. To characterize potential changes in lipid dynamics induced by carbohydrates, mathematical models were used, 6. Here, we propose a coherent mathematical implementation of the CIM-energy deposition model (CIM-EDM), which includes lipid turnover dynamics. Using lipid turnover data previously obtained by radiocarbon dating, we build two cohorts of virtual patients and simulate lipid dynamics during ageing and weight loss. We identify clinically testable lipid dynamic parameters that discriminate between the CIM-EDM and an energy in, energy out implementation of the EBM (EBM-IOM). Using a clinically relevant two-month virtual trial, we additionally identify scenarios and propose mechanisms whereby individuals may respond differently to low-carbohydrate diets. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘Causes of obesity: theories, conjectures and evidence (Part II)’.

Toward an Early Diagnosis for Alzheimer’s Disease Based on the Perinuclear Localization of the ATM Protein.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative dementia, for which the molecular origins, genetic predisposition and therapeutic approach are still debated. In the 1980s, cells from AD patients were reported to be sensitive to ionizing radiation. In order to examine the molecular basis of this radiosensitivity, the ATM-dependent DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) signaling and repair were investigated, in 7, by applying an approach based on the radiation-induced ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) protein nucleoshuttling (RIANS) model. Early after irradiation, all ten AD fibroblast cell lines tested showed impaired DSB recognition and delayed RIANS. AD fibroblasts specifically showed spontaneous perinuclear localization of phosphorylated ATM (pATM) forms. To our knowledge, such observation has never been reported before, and by considering the role of the ATM kinase in the stress response, it may introduce a novel interpretation of accelerated aging. Our data and a mathematical approach through a brand-new model suggest that, in response to a progressive and cumulative stress, cytoplasmic ATM monomers phosphorylate the APOE protein (pAPOE) close to the nuclear membrane and aggregate around the nucleus, preventing their entry in the nucleus and thus the recognition and repair of spontaneous DSB, which contributes to the aging process. Our findings suggest that pATM and/or pAPOE may serve as biomarkers for an early reliable diagnosis of AD on any fibroblast sample.

Adaptation of a quantitative trait to a changing environment: new analytical insights on the asexual and infinitesimal sexual models

Predicting the adaptation of populations to a changing environment is crucial to assess the impact of human activities on biodiversity. Many theoretical studies have tackled this issue by modeling the evolution of quantitative traits subject to stabilizing selection around an optimal phenotype, whose value is shifted continuously through time. In this context, the population fate results from the equilibrium distribution of the trait, relative to the moving optimum. Such a distribution may vary with the shape of selection, the system of reproduction, the number of loci, the mutation kernel or their interactions. In 12, we develop a methodology that provides quantitative measures of population maladaptation and potential of survival directly from the entire profile of the phenotypic distribution, without any a priori on its shape. We investigate two different systems of reproduction (asexual and infinitesimal sexual models of inheritance), with various forms of selection. In particular, we recover that fitness functions such that selection weakens away from the optimum lead to evolutionary tipping points, with an abrupt collapse of the population when the speed of environmental change is too high. Our unified framework allows deciphering the mechanisms that lead to this phenomenon. More generally, it allows discussing similarities and discrepancies between the two systems of reproduction, which are ultimately explained by different constraints on the evolution of the phenotypic variance. We demonstrate that the mean fitness in the population crucially depends on the shape of the selection function in the infinitesimal sexual model, in contrast with the asexual model. In the asexual model, we also investigate the effect of the mutation kernel and we show that kernels with higher kurtosis tend to reduce maladaptation and improve fitness, especially in fast changing environments.

Ergodicity of the Fisher infinitesimal model with quadratic selection

We study in 8 the convergence towards a unique equilibrium distribution of the solutions to a time-discrete model with non-overlapping generations arising in quantitative genetics. The model describes the dynamics of a phenotypic distribution with respect to a multi-dimensional trait, which is shaped by selection and Fisher’s infinitesimal model of sexual reproduction. We extend some previous works devoted to the time-continuous analogues, that followed a perturbative approach in the regime of weak selection, by exploiting the contractivity of the infinitesimal model operator in the Wasserstein metric. Here, we tackle the case of quadratic selection by a global approach. We establish uniqueness of the equilibrium distribution and exponential convergence of the renormalized profile. Our technique relies on an accurate control of the propagation of information across the large binary trees of ancestors (the pedigree chart), and reveals an ergodicity property, meaning that the shape of the initial datum is quickly forgotten across generations. We combine this information with appropriate estimates for the emergence of Gaussian tails and propagation of quadratic and exponential moments to derive quantitative convergence rates. Our result can be interpreted as a generalization of the Krein-Rutman theorem in a genuinely non-linear, and non-monotone setting.

Influence of the age structure on the stability in a tumor-immune model for chronic myeloid leukemia

We propose and analyze in 9 a system of partial differential equations (PDEs) for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), generalizing the ordinary differential equations’ system (ODE) proposed in [2,3]. This model describes the proliferation and differentiation of leukemic cells in the bone marrow and the interactions of leukemic and immune cells. We consider that the differentiation of cells can be described by a continuous variable which we use to structure our system. The model is based on a non-monotonic immune response. At low levels, immune response increases with the tumor load whereas for high levels, tumor is suppressing the effect of immune system (immunosuppression). We analyze the stability of the steady states of the model and compare it to the case of [2] where maturity was described as a discrete state. In particular, a steady state describing remission induced by a control due to the immune system is shown to be unstable in certain situations for the PDE model , whereas in [2] it was systematically stable.

Asymmetric attractive zero-range processes with particle destruction at the origin

We investigate in 10 the macroscopic behavior of asymmetric attractive zero-range processes on where particles are destroyed at the origin at a rate of order Nβ , where β and N is the scaling parameter. We prove that the hydrodynamic limit of this particle system is described by the unique entropy solution of a hyperbolic conservation law, supplemented by a boundary condition depending on the range of β . Namely, if β0 , then the boundary condition prescribes the particle current through the origin, whereas if β<0 , the destruction of particles at the origin has no macroscopic effect on the system and no boundary condition is imposed at the hydrodynamic limit.

Influenza transmissibility among patients and health-care professionals in a geriatric short-stay unit using individual contact data

Detailed information are lacking on influenza transmissibility in hospital although clusters are regularly reported. In this pilot study, 13, our goal was to estimate the transmission rate of H3N2 2012-influenza, among patients and health care professionals in a short-term Acute Care for the Elderly Unit by using a stochastic approach and a simple susceptible-exposed-infectious-removed model. Transmission parameters were derived from documented individual contact data collected by Radio Frequency IDentification technology at the epidemic peak. From our model, nurses appeared to transmit infection to a patient more frequently with a transmission rate of 1.04 per day on average compared to 0.38 from medical doctors. This transmission rate was 0.34 between nurses. These results, even obtained in this specific context, might give a relevant insight of the influenza dynamics in hospitals and will help to improve and to target control measures for preventing nosocomial transmission of influenza. The investigation of nosocomial transmission of SARS-COV-2 might gain from similar approaches.

Exact hydrodynamics and onset of phase separation for an active exclusion process

We consider in 14 a lattice model of active matter with exclusion and derive its hydrodynamic description exactly. The hydrodynamic limit leads to an integrodifferential equation for the density of particles with a given orientation. Volume exclusion results in nonlinear mobility dependent on spatial density. Such models of active matter can support motility-induced phase separation, which occurs despite the absence of attractive interactions. We study the onset of phase separation with linear stability analysis and numerical simulations.

Simuscale: A Modular Framework for Multiscale Single-Cell Modelling

Simuscale is a multiscale, individual-based modelling platform for performing numerical simulations of heterogeneous populations of individual cells evolving in time and interacting physically and biochemically, 16. Models are described at two levels: cellular level and population level. The cellular level describes the dynamics of single cells, as defined by the modeller. Cells have an internal state that includes default properties such as cell size and position, and may also include any other cell-specific state, such as gene or protein expression. The population level describes the mechanical constraints and biochemical interactions between cells. Cells evolve in bounded 3D domain, and can divide or die. Simuscale implements the physical simulator that manages the simulations at the population level. It delegates the details of cellular dynamics to each cell. This makes Simuscale modular, as it can accommodate any number of cell models with the same simulation, including models with different modelling formalisms. Biochemical interactions occur between cells that are in contact with each other, through intercellular signals. Intercellular signals can be known to all or to a subset of the cells only. Simuscale expects an input file describing the initial cell population and numerical options, it runs a simulation over a specified time interval, updating the cell population at given time steps, and generates an output file containing the state of each cell at each time step, and the tree of cell divisions and deaths.

Global Asymptotic Stability of a Hybrid Differential–Difference System Describing SIR and SIS Epidemic Models with a Protection Phase and a Nonlinear Force of Infection

We study in 2 the local and global asymptotic stability of the two steady-states, disease-free and endemic, of hybrid differential-difference SIR and SIS epidemic models with a nonlinear force of infection and a temporary phase of protection against the disease, e.g. by vaccination or medication. The initial model is an age-structured system that is reduced using the method of characteristic lines to a hybrid system, coupled between differential equations and a time continuous difference equation. We first prove that the solutions of the original system can be obtained from the reduced one. We then focus on the reduced system to obtain new results on the asymptotic stability of the two steady-states. We determine the local asymptotic stability of the two steady-states by studying the associated characteristic equation. We then discuss their global asymptotic stability in various situations (SIR, SIS, mass action, nonlinear force of infection), by constructing appropriate Lyapunov functions.

Global asymptotic stability for a distributed delay differential-difference system of a Kermack-McKendrick SIR model

We investigate in 3 a system of distributed delay differential-difference equations describing an epidemic model of susceptible, infected, recovered and temporary protected population dynamics. A nonlocal term (distributed delay) appears in this model to describe the temporary protection period of the susceptible individuals. We investigate mathematical properties of the model. We obtain the global asymptotic stability of the two steady states: disease-free and endemic. We construct appropriate Lyapunov functionals where the basic reproduction number appears as a threshold for the global asymptotic behavior of the solution between disease extinction and persistence.

Global stability of a SEIR discrete delay differential‐difference system with protection phase

We consider in 4 an epidemiological model with the four classical compartments of susceptible, exposed, infected, and recovered population. We add a new compartment that is supposed to describe, for a limited time, individuals that are protected from the epidemic through vaccination or medication, for instance. We model the protection phase by an age‐structured partial differential equation. The age is the time since an individual entered the protection phase. The model is then reduced by integration on the characteristics to a differential‐difference system with delay. The discrete delay represents the limited duration of the protection phase. After establishing the basic properties of the model, we show that the disease‐free equilibrium (DFE) is globally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is less than one and is unstable when this number is greater than one. Furthermore, we show that even if there is no mortality during the protection phase and the basic reproduction number is greater than one, the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable. The proofs of the global asymptotic stability of both equilibria are based on carefully constructed Lyapunov functions. To complete this study on the global dynamics, we discuss some results on weak and strong uniform persistence of the disease. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate and complete our main results.

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