
MUltiScale Interacting Cell Systems, or MUSICS, is an newly created Inria team at the Centre Inria de Lyon devoted to the multiscale modelling and analysis of cellular dynamics. It is jointly supported by members of the ICJ (Institut Camille Jordan, University Lyon 1, CNRS and Inria), and the LBMC (ENS Lyon, CNRS) under the leadership of Thomas Lepoutre (Inria and ICJ). MUSICS inherits in part the staff and the research topics of the late Inria team Dracula, headed by Mostafa Adimy, that was set up in 2011.

Research Axes

  • Axis 1 Modelling and theoretical analysis in population dynamics. This methodological axis concerns population dynamics in general. This leads to the study of questions related to existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behaviour for population models, described in terms of partial differential equations (PDEs), integro-differential equations, or delay differential equations. Moreover, we have a strong focus on an intermediate description: structured population dynamics. This is the biggest axis and concerns most members of the teams.
  • Axis 2 Simulate efficiently large populations of individuals with internal dynamics influenced by the population (chemical signalling, overcrowding, …). This approach is not only adapted when the coupling of scales is strong but can also be used to test the validity approximation of weak coupling used in population models. This can also guide the construction of new simplified models (based on numerical observations). Moreover, internal dynamics assessed on the data will be encoded in the simulation tool with the addition of nonlinear feedback loops. The axis is notably computational but contains also the analysis of large population limit.
  • Axis 3 Understand, analyse and infer the internal dynamics from data with a mechanistic description. This challenge is more related to statistical inference (mechanistic description has consequences on the structure of the noise) and leads to difficult questions linked to large deviations and optimal transportation. Axis 3 mixes some deep theoretical questions related to stochastic hybrid models with direct confrontations to data.

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