The role of mathematics and computer science in ecological theory

CIB   PosterCIBNov2014    PosterCIBdec2014 PosterCIBfeb2015

A former collaboration of Inria with ecologists (the COREV network presently animated by R. Arditi) initiated (at the beginning of the 90s) by J-L. Gouzé and C. Lobry within the framework of the Inria project team COMORE, pursued then by MERE and COMORE raised an important event: the half-year Mathematics and computer sciences in theoretical ecology which we co-organize with R. Arditi (associated with D. de Angelis and L. Ginzburg) at the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne (Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli).

The program lasted from July 1 to December 31, 2014. It gathered about 90 participants among them very well known scientists from Theoretical Ecology (S. Allesina, D. de Angelis, P. Chesson, J. Damuth,  L. Ginzburg, R. Holt…) and from mathematics (M. Benaïm,  N. Berglund, M. and F. Diener,  M. Krupa, A. Lam, W.M. Ni…).

Six one-week workshops where organized (one each month) on the following topics:

    • Non-adaptive selection: explaining macroscopic laws in ecology and evolution (Organizers: L. Ginzburg, R. Arditi, L.-F. Bersier).
    • Dispersal and competition of populations and communities in spatially inhomogeneous environments (Organizer: D. DeAngelis).
    • Validation of uncertain ecological models with imprecise data (Organizer : S. Ferson)
    • Discrete, explicit simulations versus continuous, aggregated models (Organizers: R. Arditi, C. Lobry, Y. Tyutyunov).
    • Multi-scale models, slow-fast differential equations, averaging in ecology (Organizers: M. Desroches, O. Faugeras, C. Lobry, T. Sari).
    • Microbial ecology and mathematical modelling (Organizers : R. Arditi, J.J. Godon, J. Harmand, C. Lobry)

The third workshop was organized in collaboration with O. Faugeras (EPI Neuromathcomp, Sophia-Antipolis) and M. Desroches (EPI MYCENAE, Rocquencourt) and tried to find connections between neurosciences and theoretical ecology through mathematical models.

A follow-up workshop is organized in February 2015 on the Persistence of population models in temporally fluctuating environments.


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