Category: Uncategorized

Neuroquery site is out

Want to perform meta-analyses on neuroscientific text ? Use

Nilearn 0.6.0 pre-release

See for details.

Cognitive Atlasing: From brain images to the mind

Come to our sesion at OHBM 2019, Roma !

Atlases of cognition with large-scale brain mapping

Our paper has been accepted in Plos Computational Biology. Please see This is the first  investigation of brain/cognition investigation that relies on a systematic cognitive ontology approach.

Predictive models can overcome reductionism in cognitive neuroimaging

Please read our preprint at

Nilearn 0.5.0 is out !

We are happy to announce the release of version 0.5 of nilearn, released on Friday by Kshitij! The most exciting addition in this release is interactive plotting that naturally embeds in the Jupyter notebook, to plot volumes, surfaces, or connectomes: A detailed changelog can be found at:

Nistats is out

The beta release of Nistats is now available ! Much improved documentation, examples and tutorials. See for more information.

Text to brain: predicting the spatial distribution of neuroimaging observations from text reports

Our “text2brain” work has been accepted at MICCAI 2018 ! Please see  

Visit of J. Dockès in Poldracklab

As part of metaMRI, Jérome Dockès is spending 2 months with Poldracklab to discuss text mining and cognitive ontologies: how do we extract information from neuroimaging literature and associate activation foci with these concepts ?

MetaMRI@ 2nd Annual CRN Coding Sprint

Elvis Dohmatob (Parietal) and Martin Perez Guevara (Neurospin) are staying there to work on BIDS, fmriprep, nistats with Poldracklab and the open science brain iamging community of the west cost. More information here: