Trefftz methods for electromagnetic waves in the context of High Performance Computing

Participants : Margot Sirdey (Doctorante) Sébastien Tordeux, Sébastien Pernet (ONERA)
Three dimensional electromagnetic waves simulation is an important issue in many
applications. Industrial simulation frequently involves the solution of a large linear system.
When resorting to direct methods (LU decompositions) the necessary memory for the
inversion of the matrix increases very quickly with the size of the computational domain.
A natural alternative is to use an iterative method such as a GMRES method or a domain
decomposition method. However, classical methods (Finite Elements, Finite Volumes,
Finite Differences) are not adapted to Krylov-type methods whereas Trefftz methods
are. These methods can be interpreted as a Discontinuous Galerkin method whose basis
functions are local solutions of the studied equation or as a domain decomposition method.
An iterative Trefftz solver whose solution is computed thanks to a preconditioned GMRES
method using domain decomposition has been developed.

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