
Links' Seminars and Public Events Add to google calendar
Fri 27th Apr
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Yann Strozecki in Links' Seminar: Methods in enumeration
In enumeration we are interested in generating a set of solutions, while bounding the time needed to generate one solution. We will first present the complexity measures used in this context, simple theoritical results and a few open questions.
We then introduce classical problems in this area such as the enumeration of: trees, models of a DNF, model of a FO or MSO formula, the maximal cliques of a graph, circuits of a matroid ...
We use them to illustrate the algorithmic toolbox of enumeration (Gray Code, backtrack search, reverse search, saturation...).
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Lille B21
Wed 25th Apr
2:15 pm
3:45 pm
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Nicolas Stage
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Jan's office
Fri 20th Apr
2:15 pm
3:45 pm
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Nicolas Stage
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Jan's office
Fri 13th Apr
2:15 pm
3:45 pm
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Nicolas Stage
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Jan's office
Fri 13th Apr
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Iovka Boneva and Jérémie Dusart in Links' Seminar: Shape Expressions Schemas 2.0 : Semantics and Implementation
We will present the semantics of the ShEx language, its implementation
in java, and future directions of research.
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Salle B21
Fri 6th Apr
2:15 pm
3:45 pm
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Nicolas Stage
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Jan's office
Fri 30th Mar
2:15 pm
3:45 pm
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Nicolas Stage
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Jan's office
Fri 23rd Mar
10:00 am
11:30 am
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Paul Gallot: High-Order Tree Transducers
Paul présentera le papier de Sylvain, Aurélien et Paul, soumis à LICS 2018, sur le sujet des transducteurs d'arbres d'ordre supérieur.
Wed 21st Mar
2:00 pm
3:15 pm
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répétition Delta

Fri 16th Mar
10:00 am
11:30 am
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Luc Dartois in Links' Seminar: A Logic for Word Transductions with Synthesis
In this talk I present a logic, called LT, to express properties of transductions, i.e. binary relations from input to output (finite) words. I argue that LT is a suitable candidate as a specification language for verification of non reactive systems, extending the successful approach of verifying synchronous systems via Mealy Machines and MSO.

In LT, the input/output dependencies are modelled via an origin function which associates to any position of the output word, the input position from which it originates. LT is well-suited to express relations (which are not necessarily functional), and can express all regular functional transductions, i.e. transductions definable for instance by deterministic two-way transducers.
Despite its high expressive power, LT has decidable satisfiability problems. The main contribution is a synthesis result: it is always possible to synthesis a regular function which satisfies the specification.

Finally, I explicit a correspondence between transductions and data words. As a side-result, we obtain a new decidable logic for data words.
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Inria Lille
Fri 9th Mar
10:00 am
11:00 am
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Benjamin Bergougnoux : Counting minimal transversals of hypergraphs
A transversal of a hypergraph H is a subset of vertices that
intersects all the hyper-edges H. The enumeration and the counting of
the minimal transversals have a lot of applications in many domains
(graph theory, AI, datamining, etc). Counting problems are generally
harder than theirs associated decision problems. For example, finding
a minimal transversal is doable in polynomial time but counting them
is #P-complet (the equivalent of NP-complet for counting problems).

We have proved that we can count the minimal transversals of any
beta-acyclique hypergraph in polynomial time. Our result is based on
a recursive decomposition of the beta-acyclique hypergraph founded by
Florent Capelli and by the introduction of a new notion that
generalize the minimal transversals.

A lot of exciting open questions live in the neighborhood of our
result. In particular, our algorithm is able to count the minimum
dominating set of a strong-chordal graph. But counting the minimum
dominating set is #P-complete on split graphs. Is it the beginning of
a complete characterization of the complexity of counting minimal
dominating sets in dense graphs ?
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Salle B21
Fri 16th Feb
10:30 am
11:30 am
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Victor Marsault : Formal semantics of the query-language Cypher
Cypher is a query-language for property-graphs. It was originally designed and implemented as part of the Neo4j graph database, and it is currently used by several commercial database products and researchers. The semantics of Cypher queries is currently described using natural language and, as a result, it is often not well defined. This work is part of a project to define a full denotational semantics of Cypher queries. The talk will first present the main features of Cypher through examples, including the core mecanism: graph pattern-matching, and then will describe the formal semantics in its current state.
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Salle B21 - INRIA Institut National Recherche Informatique Automatique; 40 Avenue Halley, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Wed 31st Jan
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
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Bien avant l'avènement des ordinateurs personnels, de l'internet et des smartphones , l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) était déjà une préoccupation au cœur de certaines des visions qui ont contribué à forger l'informatique moderne, qu'elle soit personnelle ou professionnelle. Pour autant, la conception et l'étude des interactions est encore souvent considérée comme secondaire dans la conception des systèmes, la priorité étant souvent mise sur le développement des fonctionnalités plutôt que sur les moyens pour les utiliser.

Cette situation s'est progressivement améliorée, avec notamment l'avènement des dispositifs tactiles (smartphones et tablettes) ou de divertissement (consoles de jeux) pour lesquels l'argument de simplicité d'utilisation a détrôné celui de la puissance intrinsèque. Cela a bien évidemment permis de populariser et démocratiser l'accès à la technologie. Mais une conséquence est, selon nous, un relatif appauvrissement des possibilités offertes par ces technologies paradoxalement plus puissantes que jamais. En masquant la complexité plutôt qu'en aidant à la maîtriser, en entretenant le mythe qu'avec ces dispositifs il est aisé pour chacun de faire beaucoup sans efforts, la tendance est à sacrifier le potentiel de l'outil informatique et la performance des utilisateurs pour la rapidité de prise en main, sans permettre un usage plus avancé, plus performant, et peut-être plus gratifiant pour l'utilisateur.

Cet équilibre entre simplicité d'usage et puissance de l'outil est un compromis difficile à trouver, et c'est selon nous un des défis et une difficulté majeure de l'IHM : observer et comprendre les phénomènes sensorimoteurs et psychomoteurs, cognitifs, sociaux et technologiques mis en œuvre lors de l'interaction entre des personnes et des systèmes afin d'améliorer cette interaction et d'en guider la conception pour encapaciter les utilisateurs. Le but étant finalement de leur permettre de réaliser ce qu'il leur serait impossible de faire sans cet outil, même si cela requiert de leur part des efforts certains d'apprentissage.
Dans ce séminaire, nous commencerons par présenter ce qu'est l'Interaction Homme-Machine en tant que domaine de recherche avec ses objectifs, ses méthodes et ses pratiques.

Ensuite, au travers d'une brève histoire de l'informatique sous le prisme de l'interaction, nous évoquerons quelques innovations d'aujourd'hui qui découlent des visions de pionniers du domaine, en considérant notamment ce compromis simplicité / puissance de l'outil. Nous verrons aussi avec des exemples et contre-exemples issus de nos environnements numériques actuels, ainsi qu'avec des travaux de recherche récents, que ces visions portent encore de nombreux défis présents et futurs de l'IHM. En particulier, nous conclurons en discutant de la nécessité d'adopter une approche centrée utilisateur et interaction à l'heure des grands défis scientifiques, technologiques et sociétaux du numérique tels que la conception des systèmes autonomes ou le traitement et l'exploitation automatique des données.

Mots-clés : Machines et langages Algorithme Interaction Homme machine (IHM).
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Wed 31st Jan
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
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Cours extérieur de Gérard Berry du Collège de France

Le centre Inria Lille - Nord Europe reçoit Gérard Berry, du Collège de France pour son cours sur la photographie numérique. Ce cours se prolongera par un séminaire de Stéphane Huot, responsable de l'équipe Mjolnir. Cette manifestation sera suivie d'un cocktail au cours duquel Isabelle Herlin, directrice du centre de recherche Inria Lille - Nord Europe présentera ses voeux.

Date : 31/01/2018
Lieu : Lilliad, Campus Université Lille - sciences et technologies - 2 avenue Jean Perrin, Villeneuve d'Ascq


15h30 : Accueil

15h45 : Introduction par Isabelle Herlin

16h - 17h30 : Cours de Gérard Berry, "La photographie numérique, un parfait exemple de la puissance de l'informatique"

17h30 - 18h30 : Séminaire de Stéphane Huot, "Interaction humain-machine : passé composé et futur simple... ou l'inverse"

18h30 - 18h45 : Questions aux deux orateurs

19h - 20h30 : Cocktail

Cours de Gérard Berry

Bio express : Gérard Berry est informaticien, professeur au Collège de France où il est titulaire de la chaire d'Algorithmes, machines et langages.


L’appareil photo numérique est un excellent exemple de l’évolution actuelle des systèmes cyberphysiques, c’est-à-dire des systèmes couplant intimement mécanique, physique, électronique et logiciel. C’est aussi un exemple merveilleux et accessible à tous de la puissance des méthodes de l’informatique par rapport à celles de la physique et de la mécanique seules. Le cours présentera la panoplie des algorithmes embarqués dans les appareils photos modernes et dans les logiciels de postproduction, puis discutera l’impact majeur qu’ils ont sur la conception des appareils et des objectifs, totalement bouleversée en ce moment, et celui qu’ils ont sur les photographes professionnels ou amateurs.

La photographie argentique, fort ancienne, n’a que lentement progressé au cours du XXe siècle : amélioration lente des pellicules et papiers, introduction de l’exposition automatique calculée analogiquement à partir de cellules photo-électriques, visée télémétrique ou reflex, tout cela a demandé des dizaines d’années. Au contraire, à partir de la commercialisation du premier appareil numérique en 1990, la photographie numérique a évolué extrêmement vite. En 2003, on trouvait déjà des appareils semi-professionnels corrects et, dès 2009, des appareils reflex de haute qualité à un prix abordable. Maintenant, il existe toute une panoplie d’appareils de tailles variées, tous capables de fournir des images de grande qualité. Même les téléphones sont devenus de très bons appareils photos et caméras vidéo, principalement grâce aux algorithmes qu’ils mettent en œuvre. Comme ils savent faire bien d’autres choses, par exemple envoyer immédiatement les images sur Internet, ils sont en train de remplacer les anciens petits appareils compacts et de servir d’équipement unique pour les photographes occasionnels et pour tous dans les pays où la photo argentique était d’un coût inabordable pour les habitants. La logique de la photo numérique est ainsi devenue très différente de celle de l’argentique, ce qui n’empêche cependant pas que cette dernière garde toujours les faveurs de certains artistes.

Qu’est-ce qui a permis cette révolution et pourquoi est-elle allée aussi vite ? Il y a trois raisons principales : la conception par les physiciens et la fabrication industrielle en grand volume de capteurs de haute qualité ; l’augmentation considérable de la puissance et la diminution de la dépense énergétique des ordinateurs embarqués, grâce à la fameuse loi de Moore ; enfin, et surtout, l’amélioration continue des algorithmes de la photographie, qui jouent en fait un rôle plus important que celui des capteurs. Dans les quinze dernières années, nous avons gagné au moins 4 degrés de sensibilité, dont les trois quarts grâce aux algorithmes. Même des appareils aux capteurs relativement petits savent faire des photos de très haute qualité à 3200 ISO, ce qui était complètement impossible avec l’argentique.

Le cours détaillera d’abord la suite des transformations algorithmiques subtiles qui permettent le développement des images des données numériques du capteur, aboutissant à l’image finale en gérant au mieux la lumière, la netteté et le bruit. Ensuite, il étudiera les algorithmes dédiés à la correction automatique des divers défauts optiques des objectifs ; il montrera que la puissance de ces algorithmes fait que ces objectifs ne seront plus conçus comme auparavant : leur conception intègre désormais totalement physique et algorithmique, fournissant des optiques de meilleure qualité, moins encombrantes, plus légères et moins chères. Il insistera sur l’importance que prennent les nouveaux traitements fondés sur la fusion de prises de vue successives pour l’amélioration de la qualité selon divers objectifs (lumière, bruit, profondeur de champ, etc.), en particulier pour les téléphones. Il montrera pourquoi fonder les nouveaux appareils directement sur les algorithmes modifie de plus en plus le cœur de leur conception, ce qui fait que bien d’autres nouveautés surprenantes pourront apparaître. Des évolutions similaires bouleversent d’ailleurs tout autant les imageries médicale et astronomique.

Enfin, le cours soulignera l’importance des nouveaux algorithmes destinés à l’amélioration de l’ergonomie de la prise de vue, qui rendent la vie technique du photographe bien plus facile sur quasiment tous les aspects : interaction humain-machine bien conçue, stabilisation du capteur et de l’objectif pour supprimer le flou de bougé, gestion sophistiquée de la lumière et de la mise au point, nombreuses aides à la prise de vue dans le viseur devenant électronique, liaison directe avec les ordinateurs et téléphones.
Séminaire de Stéphane Huot


Bien avant l'avènement des ordinateurs personnels, de l'internet et des smartphones , l'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) était déjà une préoccupation au cœur de certaines des visions qui ont contribué à forger l'informatique moderne, qu'elle soit personnelle ou professionnelle. Pour autant, la conception et l'étude des interactions est encore souvent considérée comme secondaire dans la conception des systèmes, la priorité étant souvent mise sur le développement des fonctionnalités plutôt que sur les moyens pour les utiliser.

Cette situation s'est progressivement améliorée, avec notamment l'avènement des dispositifs tactiles (smartphones et tablettes) ou de divertissement (consoles de jeux) pour lesquels l'argument de simplicité d'utilisation a détrôné celui de la puissance intrinsèque. Cela a bien évidemment permis de populariser et démocratiser l'accès à la technologie. Mais une conséquence est, selon nous, un relatif appauvrissement des possibilités offertes par ces technologies paradoxalement plus puissantes que jamais. En masquant la complexité plutôt qu'en aidant à la maîtriser, en entretenant le mythe qu'avec ces dispositifs il est aisé pour chacun de faire beaucoup sans efforts, la tendance est à sacrifier le potentiel de l'outil informatique et la performance des utilisateurs pour la rapidité de prise en main, sans permettre un usage plus avancé, plus performant, et peut-être plus gratifiant pour l'utilisateur.

Cet équilibre entre simplicité d'usage et puissance de l'outil est un compromis difficile à trouver, et c'est selon nous un des défis et une difficulté majeure de l'IHM : observer et comprendre les phénomènes sensorimoteurs et psychomoteurs, cognitifs, sociaux et technologiques mis en œuvre lors de l'interaction entre des personnes et des systèmes afin d'améliorer cette interaction et d'en guider la conception pour encapaciter les utilisateurs. Le but étant finalement de leur permettre de réaliser ce qu'il leur serait impossible de faire sans cet outil, même si cela requiert de leur part des efforts certains d'apprentissage.
Dans ce séminaire, nous commencerons par présenter ce qu'est l'Interaction Homme-Machine en tant que domaine de recherche avec ses objectifs, ses méthodes et ses pratiques.

Ensuite, au travers d'une brève histoire de l'informatique sous le prisme de l'interaction, nous évoquerons quelques innovations d'aujourd'hui qui découlent des visions de pionniers du domaine, en considérant notamment ce compromis simplicité / puissance de l'outil. Nous verrons aussi avec des exemples et contre-exemples issus de nos environnements numériques actuels, ainsi qu'avec des travaux de recherche récents, que ces visions portent encore de nombreux défis présents et futurs de l'IHM. En particulier, nous conclurons en discutant de la nécessité d'adopter une approche centrée utilisateur et interaction à l'heure des grands défis scientifiques, technologiques et sociétaux du numérique tels que la conception des systèmes autonomes ou le traitement et l'exploitation automatique des données.

Mots-clés : Machines et langages Algorithme Interaction Homme machine (IHM).
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Wed 31st Jan
3:30 pm
8:30 pm
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Le centre Inria Lille - Nord Europe reçoit Gérard Berry, du Collège de France pour son cours sur la photographie numérique. Ce cours se prolongera par un séminaire de Stéphane Huot, responsable de l'équipe Mjolnir. Cette manifestation sera suivie d'un cocktail au cours duquel Isabelle Herlin, directrice du centre de recherche Inria Lille - Nord Europe présentera ses voeux.


15h30 : Accueil

15h45 : Introduction par Isabelle Herlin

16h - 17h30 : Cours de Gérard Berry, "La photographie numérique, un parfait exemple de la puissance de l'informatique"

17h30 - 18h30 : Séminaire de Stéphane Huot, "Interaction humain-machine : passé composé et futur simple... ou l'inverse"

18h30 - 18h45 : Questions aux deux orateurs

19h - 20h30 : Cocktail
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Fri 19th Jan
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Sylvain Salvati: "On magic set rewriting for Datalog"
Cet exposé se veut une introduction à la transformation de
programmes datalog. En particulier, je présenterai la transformation
appelée "supplementary magic set rewriting" qui permet d'obtenir des
programmes datalog dont l'évaluation semi-naïve se comporte de façon
similaire à l'évaluation des programmes originaux par résolution SLD. Je
montrerai l'algorithme et des exécutions de programmes sur des exemples
issus de problèmes d'analyses grammaticales.
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Lille B21
Fri 10th Nov
10:00 am
11:00 am
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Momar Sakho: "Complexity of Certain Query Answering on Hyperstreams"
A hyperstream is a sequence of streams with references to others. We study the complexity of computing certain answers for queries defined by automata and evaluated on hyperstreams of words. We show that the problem is PSPACE-complete for deterministic query automata, but that it can be solved in PTime for linear hyperstreams even with factorization.
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Salle B21
Fri 3rd Nov
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Joanna Ochremiak, Paris 7: "Proof complexity of constraint satisfaction problems"
Many natural computational problems, such as satisfiability and
systems of equations, can be expressed in a unified way as constraint
satisfaction problems (CSPs). In this talk I will show that the usual
reductions preserving the complexity of the constraint satisfaction
problem preserve also its proof complexity. As an application, I will
present two gap theorems, which say that CSPs that admit small size
refutations in some classical proof systems are exactly the constraint
satisfaction problems which can be solved by Datalog.

This is joint work with Albert Atserias.

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Fri 13th Oct
11:00 am
1:00 pm
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Dimitri Gallois: On parallel rewriting
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Fri 29th Sep
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Nicolas Bacquey: "An algorithm for deciding the equivalence of tree transducers"
As an extension of word transformations, tree transformations have numerous applications in computer science : XSLT transformations, Unix packages installation and removal, databases queries... Likewise, there are many formal models to describe these transformations. However, the proof of formal properies on these models is often difficult, or even undecidable.
In this talk, I will be interested in one of the simplest model for tree transformations, namely deterministic top-down tree transducers (DTOP). It has been known for a while that the equivalence problem of DTOPs can be solved via an earliest normal form comparison algorithm, that is in 2EXPTIME. However, when applying this algorithm to practical cases, it seemed that the worst case was not bound to happen often, if ever.
I will present a new algorithm for the problem, based on the search of counterexamples via the expansion and unification of a set of rules over states of DTOPs. The most interesting feature of this algorithm is that it runs in exponential time, thus proving that the equivalence problem of DTOPs is in fact EXPTIME-complete.

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Lille B31
Thu 6th Jul
 all day
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ANR Headwork: General Meeting
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Fri 16th Jun
 all day
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09h15-09h45 Coffee Welcome
09h45-10h30 Michel de Rougemont: Approximate integration of streaming graph edges
10h30-11h15 Florent Cappelli: Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation
11h15-11h45 Yann Strozecki: Enumerating maximal solutions of saturation problems
12h00 Lunch
14h00 Discussion libre
16h00 End
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Inria Lille
Thu 15th Jun
 all day
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09h15-09h45 Welcome coffee
09h45-10h30 Pierre Bourhis: Introduction of circuit from database queries
10h30-11h15 Jen Keppeler: Answering FO+MOD queries under updates on bounded degree databases
11h15-12h00 Antoine Amarilli: Enumeration of valuation of circuits
12h00-13h30 Lunch + Café
13h30-14h30 Jan Ramon: Question around IA
14h30-15h15 Ahmet Kara: Covers of Query Results
15h15-15h45 Break
15h45-16h30 Alexandre Vigny: Constant delay enumeration for FO queries over
databases with local bounded expansion

20h00 Dinner at Le Palermo
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Inria Lille
Fri 9th Jun
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Valentin Montmirail: "A Recursive Shortcut for CEGAR: Application to the Modal Logic K Satisfiability Problem"
Counter-Example-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) has been very successful in model checking.
Since then, it has been applied to many different problems. It is especially proved to be a highly successful practical approach for solving the PSPACE complete QBF problem. In this paper, we propose a new CEGAR-like approach for tackling PSPACE complete problems that we call RECAR (Recursive Explore and Check Abstraction Refinement). We show that this generic approach is sound and complete. Then we propose a specific implementation of the RECAR approach to solve the modal logic K satisfiability problem. We implemented both CEGAR and RECAR approaches for the modal logic K satisfiability problem within the solver MoSaiC. We compared experimentally those approaches to the state-of-the-art solvers for that problem. The RECAR approach outperforms the CEGAR one for that problem and also compares favorably against the state-of-the-art on the benchmarks considered.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Tue 6th Jun
to Fri 9th Jun
 all day
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Visit of Jean-Marc Talbot, Université de Marseille

Fri 2nd Jun
 all day
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Visit of Floris Geerts, University of Antwerp
Fri 21st Apr
 all day
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Visit of Florent Capelli, London University
Fri 24th Mar
 all day
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Visit of Charles Paperman, Université Paris 7
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INRIA Institut National Recherche Informatique Automatique
40 Avenue Halley, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Wed 15th Mar
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Emmanuel Filliot, Université Libre de Bruxelles: "Automata, Logic and Algebra for Word Transductions"

This talk will survey old and recent results about word transductions, i.e. functions mapping (finite) words to words. Connections between automata models (transducers), logic and algebra will be presented. Starting with rational functions, defined by (one-way) finite transducers, and the canonical model of bimachines introduced by Reutenauer and Schützenberger, the talk will also target the more expressive class of functions defined by two-way transducers and their equivalent MSO-based formalism.

"Lille-Salle B21"
Wed 15th Mar
 all day
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Visit of Emmanuel Filliot, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Wed 1st Feb
11:00 am
12:30 pm
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Pierre Bourhis: The Chase
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Inria Lille
Fri 20th Jan
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Pierre Bourhis: "Tree Automata for Reasoning in Databases and Artificial Intelligence"
In database management, one of the principal task is to optimize the queries to evaluate them efficiently. It is in particular the case for recursive queries for which their evaluation can lead to crawl all the database. In particular, one of the main question is to minimize the queries in order to avoid to evaluate useless parts of the query. The core theoretical question around this line of work is the problem of inclusion of a query in another. Interestedly, this question is related to an important question in IA which is to answer a query when the data is incomplete but rules are given to derive new information. This problem is called certain query answering. In both context, if both problem are undecidable in general, there are fragments based on guardedness that are decidable due to the fact there exists witness of the problems that have a bounded tree width and that their encoding in trees is regular. Furthermore, the queries can be translated in MSO. In both contexts, Courcelle’s Theorems imply the decidability of both problems. I will present to the different results on the translation of logic class of formula for our problems into tree automata to obtain tight bounds to the problems of inclusion of recursive queries or certain query answering.

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Inria Lille
Wed 11th Jan
2:15 pm
3:25 pm
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Michael vanden Boom, Oxford University : Decidable fixpoint logics
Fixpoint logics can express dynamic, recursive properties, but often fail to have decidable satisfiability. A notable exception to this is the family of well-behaved "guarded" fixpoint logics,
which subsume a variety of query languages and integrity constraints of interest in databases and knowledge representation. In this talk, I will survey some recent results about these logics.
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Lille B21
Mon 9th Jan
to Fri 13th Jan
 all day
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Visite Michael vanden Boom, Oxford University
Fri 9th Dec
 all day
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Kickoff Headwork
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Paris MNHN
Fri 18th Nov
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Florent Capelli Links Seminar
"Lille-Salle B21"
Fri 18th Nov
 all day
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Florent Capelli visit
Tue 8th Nov
2:30 pm
4:30 pm
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Seminar Link by Helmut Seidl: "Equivalence of Deterministic Top-Down Tree-to-String Transducers is Decidable"

We show that equivalence of deterministic top-down tree-to-string transducers is decidable,
thus solving a long standing open problem in formal language theory.
We also present efficient algorithms for subclasses:
polynomial time for total transducers with unary output alphabet (over a given top-down regular domain language),
and co-randomized polynomial time for linear transducers, these results are obtained using techniques from multi-linear algebra.
For our main result, we prove that equivalence can be certified by means of inductive invariants using polynomial ideals.
This allows us to construct two semi-algorithms, one searching for a proof of equivalence, one for a witness of non-equivalence.
"Lille-Salle B31 "
Mon 7th Nov
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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PhD defense Adrien Boiret
Fri 4th Nov
 all day
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colis general meeting
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Thu 27th Oct
10:00 am
6:00 pm
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Links day
Thu 27th Oct
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links day
Thu 20th Oct
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Seminar Links by Vincent Hugot: "Top-Down Transducers for Data Trees"
Tree transducers have a wide range of application domains ranging from compiler construction,
program analysis, and computational linguistics, to semi-structured databases and file system
transformations. A common application of these domains is to specify and verify transformations
of data trees, i.e., trees whose nodes are labeled by data values from an infinite domain. Most
existing classes of tree transducers and their formal studies, however, are restricted to trees over
finite signatures without data. In this paper, we lift the most prominent class of top-down tree
transducers to data trees, such that its good properties are preserved. In particular, we show that
top-down transducers for data trees have a decidable equivalence problem, without imposing any
linearity restriction as in previous approaches based on symbolic top-down tree transducers.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 13th Oct
2:00 pm
5:30 pm
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comité de projet
Thu 13th Oct
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
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Seminar Christof Löding
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 13th Oct
to Fri 14th Oct
 all day
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visit christof löding
Fri 30th Sep
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arrivée de Jose Lozano

Thu 29th Sep
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Seminar Links by Aurélien Lemay

"Lille-Salle B21"
Tue 27th Sep
 all day
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Ircica fetes ces 10 ans
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Fri 9th Sep
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Momar Sakho
"Lille-Salle B21"
Wed 7th Sep
11:00 am
12:00 pm
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jason demagoj
Wed 31st Aug
10:00 am
1:00 pm
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Links Seminar by Domagoj Vrgoč: "Querying Graph with Data"
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 28th Jul
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Visit of Serge Abiteboul and Victor Vianu
Mon 11th Jul
to Tue 12th Jul
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Aggreg meeting
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Mon 27th Jun
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Colis ANR project: general meeting
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Inria Paris, Salle 119 "Ada Lovelace"
Fri 24th Jun
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Fatima Belkouch: on the hypercube algorithm for conjunctive queries
Abstract: We consider the problem of computing a conjunctive query on a large database in a parallel setting with p servers. Unlike traditional query processing, the complexity is no longer dominated by the number of disk accesses. Typically, a query is evaluated by a sufficiently large number of servers such that the entire data can be kept in the main memory of these servers. The dominant cost becomes that of communicating data and synchronizing among the servers.
I will present some interesting results in [1, 2, 3, 4] dealing with the communication complexity of massively parallel computation of a query. The computation is performed in "rounds".
First, I will present the Massively Parallel Communication (MPC) model to analyze the tradeoff between the number of rounds and the amount of communication required in a massively parallel computing environment.
Then I will present the HyperCube (HC) algorithm that computes a full conjunctive query q in one round.
I will discuss the communication complexity [2]. The main result is the optimal load O(m/p1/τ ) where τ is the fractional vertex cover of the hypergraph of q and m the input data size.

[1] Parallel Evaluation of Conjunctive Queries. Paris Koutris, Dan Suciu PODS2011
[2] Communication Steps for Parallel Query Processing. Paul Beame, Paris Koutris, Dan Suciu PODS2013
[3] Skew in Parallel Query Processing. Paul Beame, Paris Koutris Dan Suciu PODS'2014
[4] Worst-Case Optimal Algorithms for Parallel Query Processing. Paris Koutris, Paul Beame, Dan Suciu ICDT2016
"Lille-Salle B11"
Thu 23rd Jun
2:00 pm
3:30 pm
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Victor Vianu in Polaris
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Auditorium IRCICA
Thu 23rd Jun
 all day
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victor vianu visit
Mon 20th Jun
to Wed 22nd Jun
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journee scientique inria à rennes
Fri 17th Jun
9:00 am
12:30 pm
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PhD Thesis Defense by Tom Sebastian: Evaluation of XPath Queries on XML streams with Networks of Early Nested Word Automata

The challenge that we tackle in this thesis is the problem of how to answer
XPath queries on XML streams with low latency, full coverage, high time
efficiency, and low memory costs. We first propose to approximate earli-
est query answering for navigational XPath queries by compilation to early
nested word automata. It turns out that this leads to almost optimal la-
tency and memory consumption. Second, we contribute a formal semantics
of XPath 3.0. It is obtained by mapping XPath to the new query language
λXP that we introduce. We then show how to compile λXP queries to net-
works of early nested word automata, and develop streaming algorithms for
the latter. Thereby we obtain a streaming algorithm that indeed covers all of
XPath 3.0. Third, we develop an algorithm for projecting XML streams with
respect to the query defined by an early nested word automaton. Thereby
we are able to make our streaming algorithms highly time efficient. We have
implemented all our algorithms with the objective to obtain an industrially
applicable streaming tool. It turns out that our algorithms outperform all
previous approaches in time efficiency, coverage, and latency.
Thu 16th Jun
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Nicolas Bacquey Links seminar: Introduction to uniform periodical computation : leader election on periodical cellular automata
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 16th Jun
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Hubie Chen, Semainar and Visit
"Lille-Salle B21"
Fri 22nd Apr
10:00 am
11:30 am
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Assemblée générale Inria Lille
Fri 1st Apr
 all day
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Laurent d'Orazio (cancelled)
Fri 25th Mar
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Datacert ANR project: general meeting
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Fri 18th Mar
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Charles Paperman: "Streaming and circuit complexity"
In this talk, I will present a connection between the streaming complexity and the circuit complexity of regular languages through a notion of streaming by block . This result provides tight constructions of boolean circuits computing an automaton, thanks to some classical and recent results on the circuit complexity of regular languages. I will apply this framework to the schema validation in streaming of XML-documents.
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Inria Lille
Fri 18th Mar
 all day
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Visit of Charles Paperman, Université Paris 7
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Inria Lille
Fri 11th Mar
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar Links by Sylvain Salvati: Behavioral verification of higher-order programs
Abstract: Higher-order constructions make their way into main stream
programming languages like Java, C++, python, rust... These
constructions bring new challenges to the verification of programs as
they make their control flow more complex.

In this talk, I will present how methods coming from denotational
semantics can prove decidable the verification of certain properties of
higher-order programs. These properties are expressed by means of finite
state automata of the possibly infinite execution trees generated by the
programs and can capture safety properties but also liveness and
fairness properties.
Fri 11th Mar
 all day
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Sylvain Salvati: visit and Talk
Université Bordeaux 1
Wed 9th Mar
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
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cristan duriez 30 minutes de science inria lille
Fri 4th Mar
 all day
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Colis ANR project: general meeting
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Inria Lille, Salle B21
Thu 3rd Mar
 all day
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Kim Nguyen: visit for discussion with Links' members (no talk)
Université Paris Sud
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Fri 19th Feb
11:00 am
3:00 pm
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CNRS, Université Lens
Thu 21st Jan
11:00 am
1:00 pm
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Seminar by Vincent Penelle: "Rewriting high-order stack trees"
Higher-order pushdown systems and ground tree rewriting systems can
be seen as extensions of suffix word rewriting systems. Both classes
generate infinite graphs with interesting logical
properties. Indeed, the satisfaction of any formula written in
monadic second order logic (respectively first order logic with
reachability predicates) can be decided on such a graph.

The purpose of this talk is to propose a common extension to both
higher-order stack operations and ground tree rewriting. We introduce a model
of higher-order ground tree rewriting over trees labelled by
higher-order stacks (henceforth called stack trees), which syntactically
coincides with ordinary ground tree rewriting at order 1 and with the dynamics
of higher-order pushdown automata over unary trees. The infinite
graphs generated by this class have a decidable first order logic with

Formally, an order n stack tree is a tree labelled by order n-1 stacks.
Operations of ground stack tree rewriting are represented by a certain class
of connected DAGs labelled by a set of basic operations over stack trees
describing of the relative application positions of the basic
operations appearing on it. Applying a DAG to a stack tree t intuitively
amounts to paste its input vertices to some leaves of t and to simplify
the obtained structure, applying the basic operations labelling the edges of the
DAG to the leaves they are appended to, until either a new stack tree is
obtained or the process fails, in which case the application of the DAG to t
at the chosen position is deemed impossible. This model is a common extension
to those of higher-order stack operations presented by Carayol and of ground tree
transducers presented by Dauchet and Tison.

As further results we can define a notion of recognisable sets of
operations through a generalisation. The proof that the graphs generated
by a ground stack tree rewriting system have a decidable first order theory
with reachability is inspired by the technique of finite set interpretations
presented by Colcombet and Loding.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 14th Jan
 all day
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visite pierre senellart
Tue 12th Jan
to Thu 14th Jan
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visite Antoine Amarilli
Mon 14th Dec
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
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Slawek Staworko's HDR defense: "Symbolic Inference Methods for Databases"

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M2, salle de réunion
Fri 20th Nov
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Seminar Links by Stéphane Demri: "Separation Logic and Friends"
Abstract: Separation logic is used as an assertion language for
Hoare-style proof systems about programs with pointers,
and there is an ongoing quest for understanding its
complexity and expressive power. There are also
a lot of activities to develop verification methods
with decision procedures for fragments of practical use.

Actually, there exist many variants for separation
logic that can be viewed as fragments of second-order logic,
as well as variants of modal or temporal logics in which
models can be updated dynamically.

In this talk, after introducing first principles on separation logic,
issues related to decidability, computational complexity and expressive
power are discussed. We provide several tight relationships with
second-order logics, interval temporal logics or data logics, depending
on the variants of the logic and on the syntactic resources available.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Fri 13th Nov
10:30 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar Links by Iovka Boneva: "Shape Expressions Schemas"
Shape Expressions Schemas is an expressive schema and constraint language for RDF data. I am going to define the language, illustrate it with examples, then give a validation algorithm and talk about ongoing work.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 29th Oct
10:00 am
12:00 pm
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Seminar Links by Antoine Amarilli
"Lille-Salle A11"
Fri 9th Oct
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Seminar Links: Adrien Boiret

"Lille-Salle B21"
Thu 1st Oct
10:30 am
12:30 pm
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Seminar Links by Eric Prud'hommeaux: Shape Expressions: (finally) a schema language for RDF graph structure
Initial architects envinsioned RDF as a knowledge representation language, freeing users from syntactic limitations and revolutionizing the way information was exchanged.
While inference and description logic are applied to RDF, the foundation of simple assertions composed of global, unambiguous identifiers, has many more mondane and practical applications.
Distributed contributions to large (web-scale) data graphs demands adaptation of tree and stream-based validation techniques to operate over a graph.
Shape Expressions performs an ordered traversal of RDF graphs to
1 validate of structural constraints.
2 perform generative semantic actions.
"Lille-Salle B21"
Fri 11th Sep
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
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Florent Capelli

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