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Fri 15th Nov
11:00 am
12:15 pm
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Seminar by Gabriel Bathie
Speaker: Gabriel Bathie (

Room: B21

Title: TBA


"Lille-Salle B21"
Tue 12th Nov
2:00 pm
3:30 pm
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Seminar from Aliaume Lopez
Speaker: Aliaume Lopez (

Title: Which polynomials are computed by N-weighted automata?

Room: B21

Given a semiring K, the notion of K-weighted automata generalizes regular languages to functions from Σ* to K. This model allows us to compute (multivariate) polynomial functions with coefficients in K. We provide a decidable characterization of polynomials with coefficients in Q that can be computed by K-weighted automata for K = (N,+,×) and for K = (Z+,×). As a consequence, we can decide which functions computed by Z-weighted automata are computed by N-weighted automata, under the assumption of commutativity (the order of the letters in the input does not matter) and polynomial growth (the output of the function is bounded by a polynomial in the size of the input). This surprisingly allows us to decide whether such functions are star-free, a notion borrowed from the theory of regular languages.
"Lille-Salle B21"

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