Flux closures and source term models for shallow water models with depth-dependent integral porosity

September 29: Vincent Guinot: Journal article accepted in Advances in Water resources This paper describes the governing equations, numerical implementation and validation of the depth-dependent porosity-based shallow water model developed by the team. This model incorporates a statistical description of the topography on the subgrid scale. Its purpose is the…

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PhD on mass transfert in porous media

September 28th:  Carole is reviewer of M. Moezzibadi’s PhD : « Transfert de masse en milieu poreux : modélisation, analyse de sensibilité et estimation de paramètres appliquées à deux études de cas », that will be defended the 28th of September at University of Strasbourg (ICUBE). This work is supervised by R. Mosé…

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RiverFlow 2018 international conference

September 5-7: Carole Delenne and Vincent Guinot attended the RiverFlow 2018 international conference in Lyon. (see https://riverflow2018.irstea.fr/) They presented a communication entitled “Experimental validation of transient source term in porosity-based shallow water models”. This was part of the special session “Shallow water porosity models for urban floods”, co-convened by Vincent Guinot…

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July: Fatima Palacios-Rodriguez has received an award from Comittee of Conference SWGEN 2018 (Colorado, 2-5 October). This award consists on the payment of the travel and of the hotel to go to the Conference.

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