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J.R. Azinheira, P. Rives, J.R. Carvhalo, G.F. Silveira, E.C. Paiva, S.S. Bueno. Visual Servo Control for the Hovering of an Outdoor Robotic Airship. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Volume 3, Pages 2287-2793, Washington, D.C, USA, Mai 2002.


Patrick Rives

Référence BibTex

   Author = {Azinheira, J.R. and Rives, P. and Carvhalo, J.R. and Silveira, G.F. and Paiva, E.C. and Bueno, S.S.},
   Title = {Visual Servo Control for the Hovering of an Outdoor Robotic Airship},
   BookTitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
   Volume = {    3},
   Pages = {2287--2793},
   Address = {Washington, D.C, USA},
   Month = {May},
   Year = {2002}

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