%0 Journal Article %F Teuliere14a %A Teuliere, C. %A Marchand, E. %T A dense and direct approach to visual servoing using depth maps %J IEEE Trans. on Robotics %V 30 %N 5 %P 1242-1249 %X This paper presents a novel 3-D servoing approach using dense depth maps to perform robotic tasks. With respect to position-based approaches, our method does not require the estimation of the 3-D pose (direct), nor the extraction and matching of 3-D features (dense), and only requires dense depth maps provided by 3-D sensors. Our approach has been validated in various servoing experiments using the depth information from a low-cost Red Green Blue-Depth (RGB-D) sensor. Positioning tasks are properly achieved despite noisy measurements, even when partial occlusions or scene modifications occur. We also show that, in cases where a reference depth map cannot be easily available, synthetic ones generated with a rendering engine still lead to satisfactory positioning performances. Application of the approach to the navigation of a mobile robot is also demonstrated %U http://www.irisa.fr/lagadic/pdf/2014_tro_teuliere.pdf %U http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TRO.2014.2325991 %8 October %D 2014