Some useful and not so useful links

Some general links to Fusion and the ITER project : 

ITER :  official site ITER

The Fusion Wiki hosted by CIEMAT with a lot of answers on Fusion : Fusion wiki

The European consortium for Fusion  : EuroFusion

L’ Institut de Recherche sur la Fusion par confinement Magnetique (CEA) : IRFM

La fédération de recherche sur la fusion magnétique :  FR-CM


To know more on some existing Tokamaks :

The Tore-Supra upgrade with actively cooled tungsten divertor : WEST

The Joint European Torus : JET

The EPFL TCV tokamak that allows to create plasmas of many shapes : TCV


There are not only tokamaks  in fusion :

A stellarator : Wendelstein 7-X


And since we are very open-minded :

Even the wikipedia link on :  COLD FUSION  🙂