2018 IPL Workshop Alsace

                  NOVEMBER 21, 2018

14:30 – 14:40: introduction

14:40 – 15:15: Pierre Navaro, “Exemple d’utilisation du language scientifique Julia pour le problème de Vlasov-Poisson”

15:15 – 15:50: Matthieu Boileau, “Portabilité des performances sur les architectures hétérogènes”

15:50 – 16:15: Pause Café

16:15 – 16:50: Jacques Blum, ” The use of optimal control theory for equilibrium identification and optimization of plasma scenarios

16:50 – 17:25: Yannick Privat, “Une approche « optimisation de forme » pour identifier la forme du plasma au sein du tokamak Tore-Supra”

17:25 – 18:00: Michel Duprez, “Finite element method with local damage on the mesh”

NOVEMBER 22, 2016

09:00 – 09:35: Boniface Nkonga, “…..”

09:35 – 10:10: Hervé Guillard, “Flux aligned meshes for fusion plasmas”

10:10 – 10:45: Emmanuel Franck , “Simple implicit/semi implicit schemes for low mach flow”

10:45 – 11:10: Pause Café

11:10 – 11:45: Ali Aboudou Elarif, “Reduced Clough-Tocher finite elements for Grad Shafranov equation in tokamaks ”

11:45 – 12:20: Ashish Bhole, “……”

12:30 – 14:00: Déjeuner

14:00 – 14:35: Florence Drui, “Analysis of over-relaxation kinetic schemes: application to the
development of stable and second order boundary conditions”

14:35 – 15:10: Laura Mendoza, ” Application of the approximated BGK method on a Semi-Lagrangian parallel python solver on non-conforming patches”

15:10 – 15:45: Guillaume Latu, “Modelling the interplay between edge and core turbulent transport in Tokamaks using modern HPC programming techniques”

15:45 – 16:15: Pause Café

16:15 – 17:45: Discussion, “Collaboration, articulation des prochaine projets TONUS et CASTOR, ….”

NOVEMBER 23, 2018

09:00 – 09:35: Guillaume Morel, “Schéma asymptotic-preserving et bien équilibré pour des modèles de transport par une méthode de type Trefftz Galerkin discontinue”

09:35 – 10:10: Anais Crestetto, “A time-diminishing micro-macro scheme for collisional kinetic equations in the diffusive scaling”

10:10 – 10:30: Pause café

10:30 – 11:05: Laurent Navoret, “Numerical studies of sheath equilibria for the Vlasov-Poisson system”

11:05 – 11:40: Marie Houillon, ” High-order local time-stepping for Discontinuous Galerkin methods “