Partnerships and projects

In INOCS, we believe that collaboration is fundamental to research. Indeed, it’s a great way to learn from others and share your knowledge. That’s why collaborations drives research forward. With this in mind, the team is proud to be involved in several common projects. Here is a non-exhaustive list of past and current collaborations of the team :

  • BIO-SEL with Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Santiago (Chile) : a project on bilevel optimization problems with applications in the security, energy and logistic domains
  • GALANGAL with Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) and Edinburgh University (Scotland) : a project on Game Theoretic Learning and Optimization for Networked Electricity Markets
  • STIC-AmSud with University of Perpignan, Universidad de Chile and Universidad de O’Higgins (Chile), Universidad del Pacifico (Peru) : a project on Stochastic Optimization, Generalized Games and Applications
  • SUM with a number of European research teams : a project on the transformation of mobility in European cities
  • CHIST-ERA SEC-OREA with Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), University College Of Dublin (Ireland) and Riga Technical University (Latvia) : a project to enable local energy communities (LECs) to participate in the decarbonisation of the energy sector
  • AGIRE with Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Université Gustave Eiffel and HappyChic : an ANR project which addresses human resources management
  • ADELE with LCOMS (Université de Lorraine), Toulouse Business School and ColisWeb : an ANR project to design logistics systems that move goods to, from, and within urban areas while meeting sustainability goals

In addition to that, the team is also involved in some Défis INRIA (INRIA challenges). The aim of these challenges is to launch ambitious and multidisciplinary research projects by incorporating several teams of INRIA :

  • Inria OVHCloud : a challenge on the end-to-end eco-design of a cloud to reduce its environmental impact
  • Inria-EDF : a challenge to design and develop new tools and new sources of information to support strategic and operational decision-making, enabling the economic, ecological and resilient management of new electricity systems as part of the ecological transition and climate change.

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