GOM Seminar: Hande Yaman, Tuesday, March 27th 2018 – Hub Location Problems: Applications, Models and Solution Methods

Date: March, 27th, 12h15 Place: Université Libre de Bruxelles Abstract: Hubbing is commonly used in airlines, cargo delivery and telecommunications networks where traffic from many origins to many destinations are consolidated at hubs and are routed together to benefit from economies of scale. Each application area has its own specific…

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GOM Seminar: Eglantine Camby, Monday, March 26th 2018 – A parallel algorithm using VNS and VND with shared memory and message passing interface

Date: March, 26th, 11h00 Place: Université Libre de Bruxelles Abstract: In this talk, we present diverse concepts: Variable Neighborhood Search, Variable Neighborhood Descent, parallel algorithm, shared memory, message passing interface and community detection. Besides, we explain how can we use all of them in only one algorithm. Some numerical results…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Juan José Salazar González, Thursday, March 29th 2018 – Solving logistics problems for a regional airline company in Canary Islands

Date: March, 29th, 14h30 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: This seminar will show mathematical models and algorithms for optimizing the management of crews and aircrafts of an airline company operating flights in Canary Islands. It is the result of a research work for a company, and it can be extended…

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GOM Seminar: Alejandro Jofre, Monday, January 29th 2018 – Optimization and game theory in Energy markets

Date: January, 29th, 11h00 Place: ULB Bruxelles Abstract: In this talk we introduce an stochastic optimization/game-theory model to describe an energy market working on a network (transmission), including renewal energy suppliers, distributed generators and demand nodes. We characterize Nash equilibria and pricing rules in this stochastic setting as well as…

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INOCS Seminar: Victor Bucarey Lopez, Friday, December 12th 2017 – Solving strong Stackelberg equilibrium in stochastic games

Date: December, 12th, 12h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: In this work we face the problem of finding strong Stackelberg equilibrium in stochastic games. We study a familiy of stochastic games where equilibrium in stationary policies exist and prove the convergence of value iteration and policy iteration procedures. Preliminary computational…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Juan José Palacios Alonso, Wednesday, November 15th 2017 – Fuzzy numbers for scheduling problems with uncertainty

Date: November, 17th, 16h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: In optimization problems, it is common the case where the value of some variables is not well known, or it is uncertain. Traditionally, this uncertainty has been dealt with, from the point of view of Stochastic Optimization, which models these variables…

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OPTIMA Seminar: Dimitri Papadimitriou, Friday, November 17th 2017 – Location-Routing Models for Data Distribution Systems

Date: November, 17th, 11h00 Place: Inria Lille-Nord Europe Abstract: Given a set of client demands and potential facility locations, the (discrete) capacitated facility location problem (cFLP) consists in selecting a subset of locations where to install a facility, and assigning demands to these facilities without exceeding their capacity. In this…

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Doctor Carlos Casorrán Amilburu

The 16th of October, 2017, Carlos Casorrán Amilburu succesfully defended his thesis titled Formulations and Algorithms for General and Security Stackelberg​ ​Games. The jury was composed by: Yves Crama, Professor, Université de Liège Bernard Fortz, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles Martine Labbé, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles Patrice Marcotte, Professor,…

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