In April 2017, together with researchers from Telefonica, Princeton and Stony Brook we organise a Dagstuhl Seminar on Online Privacy and Web Transparency at Schloss Dagstuhl. This Dagstuhl Seminar will create an interdisciplinary discussion forum between privacy researchers, policy makers and companies with the goal to to identify key technical challenges, and propose solutions on …
Category: Uncategorized
Article published in Cybersecurity special theme of ERCIM News
A new article on program monitoring to prevent Web tracking through device fingerprinting appeared in the special theme “Cybersecurity” in the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics newsletter (ERCIM News): Using JavaScript Monitoring to Prevent Device Fingerprinting Nataliia Bielova, Frédéric Besson and Thomas Jensen.
A postdoc position on Information Flow security and Coq
One postdoc position is available on Information flow security and proofs in Coq — contact Tamara Rezk or Nataliia Bielova) directly.
2 postdoc positions @ INRIA on Web Tracking & User discrimination on the Web
We have 2 postdoc positions and 1 internship position in the project “Web Tracking and User discrimination on the Web: measurement, causation and prevention”. 2 postdocs Measurement and causation of user discrimination on the Web (jointly by INDES and DIANA) Web Tracking prevention and user discrimination on the Web (jointly by INDES and DIANA) 1 …
A paper on the computer scientist nightmare will be presented at WedlerFest’16
Manuel Serrano will present a paper at WedlerFest’16: The computer scientist nightmare Manuel Serrano
A paper on secure multiparty sessions with topics to appear in PLACES workshop
Ilaria Castellani got a new paper appeared in the PLACES’16 workshop: Secure Multiparty Sessions with Topics Ilaria Castellani, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini and Ugo De’Liguoro
A paper on access control, capabilities, their equivalence and confused deputy attacks is accepted to CSF’16
A paper on access control, capabilities, their equivalence and confused deputy attacks is accepted to the IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF’16): On access control, capabilities, their equivalence, and confused deputy attacks Vineet Rajani, Deepak Garg, Tamara Rezk
A paper on taxonomy of information flow monitors is accepted to POST’16
Tamara Rezk and Nataliia Bielova have a new paper accepted to the International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST’16). This paper offers a rigorous comparison of existing information flow monitors with respect to two dimensions: soundness and transparency. A Taxonomy of Information Flow Monitors Nataliia Bielova and Tamara Rezk.
Welcome to Francis Some, a new PhD student
A new PhD student, Francis Some, joined INDES on 1 November 2015 to work under the supervision of Tamara Rezk and Nataliia Bielova. Welcome, Francis!
New paper on behavioural types for security is published at JLAMP
Ilaria Castellani together with her co-authors has a new paper accepted to the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP): Combining behavioural types with security analysis. Massimo Bartoletti, Ilaria Castellani, Pierre-Malo Deniélou, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Peter Thiemann, Bernardo Toninho, Hugo Torres Vieira.